
   Let us know if anyone is interested in joining the
XUL Challenge Round 2. 

  In the new "Is it hot or not?" series I suggest
creating an applet/desklet that shows a five day
weather forecast using a web service (e.g.

   As an example check out the gDesklet XUL sample:

<display window-flags="sticky, below">
<sensor id="w" module="iWeather"/>
<group id="canvas" >
  <group id="today">
    <image id="ccIcon" x="0" y="0"
watch="uri=w:ccIcon, color=f:color1, font=f:font1"/>
    <label id="ccTemp" relative-to="ccIcon, x" x="0"
y="0" watch="value=w:ccTemp" color="white" font="Sans
bold 18"/>
    <label id="location" relative-to="ccTemp, y"
watch="value=w:location" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans
bold 12"/>
    <label id="ccSky" relative-to="location, y"
watch="value=w:ccSky" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccFlik" relative-to="ccSky, y"
watch="value=w:ccFlik" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccBar" relative-to="ccFlik, y"
watch="value=w:ccBar" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccWind" relative-to="ccBar, y"
watch="value=w:ccWind" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccHmid" relative-to="ccWind, y"
watch="value=w:ccHmid" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccVis" relative-to="ccHmid, y"
watch="value=w:ccVis" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccUv" relative-to="ccVis, y"
watch="value=w:ccUv" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
    <label id="ccDewp" relative-to="ccUv, y"
watch="value=w:ccDewp" color="#f0f0f0" font="Sans bold
  <group id="forecast" relative-to="today, x" x="20"
y="0" watch="color=f:color0, font=f:font0">
    <array layout="horizontal"
      <group id="forecastDay" x="20">
        <label id="forecastDay" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastDay" />
        <group id="dayNight" relative-to="forecastDay,
          <group id="day">
            <image id="forecastDayIcon" anchor="n"
watch="uri=w:forecastDayIcon" />
            <label id="forecastTempHi" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastDayIcon, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastTempHi" />
            <label id="forecastDayHmid" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastTempHi, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastDayHmid" />          
            <label id="forecastDayPpcp" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastDayHmid, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastDayPpcp" />          
            <label id="forecastDayWind" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastDayPpcp, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastDayWind" />
            <label id="forecastSunrise" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastDayWind, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastSunrise" />
          <group id="night" relative-to="day, x"
            <image id="forecastNightIcon" anchor="n"
watch="uri=w:forecastNightIcon" />
            <label id="forecastTempLow" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastNightIcon, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastTempLow" />
            <label id="forecastNightHmid" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastTempLow, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastNightHmid" />
            <label id="forecastNightPpcp" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastNightHmid, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastNightPpcp" />
            <label id="forecastNightWind" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastNightPpcp, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastNightWind" />
            <label id="forecastSunset" anchor="n"
relative-to="forecastNightWind, y" color="white"
watch="value=w:forecastSunset" />

  Pretty impressive, isn't it? Anyways, let us know if
you want to join in and I sign you up in the XUL
Challenge Round 2 also known as the "Is it hot or
not?" series.  

  - Gerald

Gerald Bauer

XUL Alliance        | http://xul.sourceforge.net  
United XAML         | http://xaml.sourceforge.net
The Thinlet World   | http://thinlet.blog-city.com

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