
   David Hyatt - Apple Safari Hacker and ex-Mozilla
XUL spec lead - comments on Apple's upcoming Dashboard

   Dashboard like Konfabulator or gDesklets or
SuperKaramba is a mini XUL motor that lets you create
eye candy for your desktop using markup and scripts.
See http://www.apple.com/macosx/tiger/dashboard.html
for more.

   David writes:

 I've seen plenty of opinions on what Dashboard is,
most from people who haven't even used it yet. :)

Just to prove a point that there are many ways to
think about this new feature, here's another take on
what Dashboard is. From a browser geek's perspective,
the Dashboard is a collection of HTML sidebar panels
liberated from the browser window and placed anywhere
on your screen. The "Web pages as widgets" concept is
really just a logical extension of the Web sidebar
panel metaphor fused with Expose.

In a Web browser like Mozilla, for example, the
sidebar can be toggled with a key, the panels inside
can be viewed, and individual panels can be selected,
reordered, managed, and added/deleted. Custom panels
can be installed into the sidebar and people have
written panels for Mozilla (and Opera) that do
everything from FedEx package tracking to HTML

In other words, like the desk accessories of yore, the
sidebar panels in Web browsers are web page
accessories that perform basic functions. When
Netscape 6 came out many of these panels were
downloadable from netscape.com. People wrote Bugzilla
widgets for checking Mozilla bugs, thesaurus and
dictionary widgets, widgets for using lxr, FedEx
package trackers, and so on. There were a lot of these
panels made, written both in XUL and in HTML, and this
was done a long time ago... which brings me to my

The concept of small "Web pages as accessories" inside
a browser has existed for years.

However the sidebar metaphor suffers from usability
problems, such as the inability to scale up to many
panels as well as being constrained by the browser's
window width. It's also hard to view multiple panels
at once. The panels are also tied to a particular
application (the browser) despite frequently having no
connection to the application itself.

A logical way of solving these sidebar panel usability
problems is to free those panels from the browser
window and make them accessible anywhere on the screen
(both invokable and dismissable with the touch of a
key). This gives you the real estate you need to
really make the widgets useful, lets you show multiple
widgets at once, and makes the UI for panel
configuration easier, since you have more room to
represent that user interface on-screen.   


  What's your take on it? Do you see Dashboard as
built-in XUL motor that breaks free from the browser?
Has anyone tried out Dashboard alternatives that are
here today such as Konfabulator (OS X) or SuperKaramba
(KDE) or gDesklets (Gnome)? 

  - Gerald

Gerald Bauer

XUL Alliance        | http://xul.sourceforge.net  
United XAML         | http://xaml.sourceforge.net
The Thinlet World   | http://thinlet.blog-city.com

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