
  It looks like Google is already building or getting
ready to build its very own browser to break its
dependence on Internet Explorer so it can better
compete with Microsoft and push the richness of web
applications to new heights using some sort of XML UI

  The blogzilla blog reports in a story titled "The
Google Browser, Reloaded":

  I think Google is interested in Mozilla because of
one thing: enhancing XUL.

  They recently grabbed Joe Beda, the lead developer
of Microsoft's Avalon user interface in Longhorn. And
Avalon is basically XUL... sort of.

  To see an example of a XUL app on the web, check out
the Mozilla Amazon Browser.

  In my opinion, XUL is a bit cludgy and
not-ready-for-primetime yet. But if Google partners
with Mozilla to work on it, to enchance it, they could
have many uses for XUL for any of the apps they have.

  GMail is the most app-like webapp I've ever seen.
They have pushed what you can do with a webapp's
page-by-page format. And "performing tasks
page-by-page is not always the most efficient way of
doing things". I think they've reached the limit with
what they can do with a hardcore DHTML system. Do they
invest more into pushing DHTML to its limits? Once
they reach that limit, where can they go from there?
The answer: to an enhanced XUL application. Maybe they
want to make a XUL version of Gmail? Googe Groups
could be much better in XUL interface. XUL could make
it easier to search and view threads. And related
items could be an expanding tree under the search,
etc... The current system is bulky. It uses frames!

  XUL isn't exactly Gmail-like "simple" though. It's a
completely different way of interacting on the web. I
still think it's a long way away before any widespread
use. But it certainly has lots of possible uses worth
investing in if you're Google.

  I still think we'll see a Google IM client before we
see a Google Browser.


  What's your take? Is the browser war heating up?
This time its Google vs. Microsoft? Is Google the new
Netscape? Will Yahoo follow? Will we see a Y!Browser?

  - Gerald
Gerald Bauer
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