Lars Martin wrote:
>  this is just something I find useful for the type of database, repository,
> document, whatever operations we need to perform. The "select" is a select,
> no more, no less, so it does work on NodeLists, or sets, assuming that is
> what the select returns.
>  That's why "update-or-insert" otherwise you can easily do an if-then-else
> inside of a for-each. This operation obviates the need for an explicit loop.

By specifying the query language in this way, it implies that the XML
repository needs to be implemented in a specific way.  In particular,
the server would have to expose the entire repository as a single
virtualized document.  This introduces two problems.  First, in order to
not alienate larger companies with existing offerings, we don't want to
force too much retrofitting.  Second, if it's a virtualized document,
then it may as well be a document, in that case, the solution falls
neatly under the W3C XML Query charter, and we may as well start working
with the W3C in that capacity.

My argument is that we are dealing with databases here, and whether they
be XML native, virtualized, mapped, or enabled databases, they all fall
into the scope of the initiative.  A 20 gig file with one CARS element
and a million CAR elements in it is just as much an XML Database as
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (though that's a stretch) which is just as
much an XML Database as Tamino, Excelon, and Virtuoso, and saying that
we expose and interactive with that data in some all-encompassing
magical way will hurt this initiative in the long run.

Our goal should be to create a query language that is incredibly simple,
that is easily implemented, and that does not force an implementor into
exposing their data in any other way than they already had.  I am
willing to bet quite a bit that Software AG, Excelon Corp, Openlink
Software, Microsoft, and Oracle will all pose the same argument.

> i've heard both sides of this argument many times. but since I've defined a
> grove representation for XML, URIs and MIME (see
> I am entitled to my viewpoint.

Well... I'm certainly impressed with your credentials, but in as much as
I'm not bringing anything that I'm currently working on to the table,
I'd ask that everyone else do the same.  dbXML has a feature that will
automatically perform relational linking, recursively, and on-demand,
pulling in external nodes into a master document.  This feature would
work perfectly with your proposal, but it's an implementation specific
feature that shouldn't drive the development of a standard.

> The other side of this argument would state that so-called XML databases
> don't really have much to do with XML itself which defines a *syntax*, so in
> the same way that we might provide a DOM wrapper on a database and call this
> an XML database, we might also provide a DOM wrapper on a MIME message, or a
> directory/filesystem or anything else that is specified by a URI.

Which so-called XML databases?  An XML database is an XML database,
whether it's native, like ours and Tamino, mapped like SQL Server and
Oracle, virtualized like Virtuoso, or enabled like Excelon.   The degree
to which the XML is utilized and exposed is of little concern, the fact
is that they are geared toward the management of massive repositories of
data, and unlike content management systems, they will almost always
store large sets of like documents.  A query language compiled into XSLT
and executed against a virtualized document will quickly drag the
performance of a large repository into the ground.


<name>Tom Bradford</name>
<title>Chief Software Architect</title>
<company>The dbXML Group</company>
<phone>(480) 421-1233</phone>
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