Lars Martin wrote:
> I don't see the problem to do this (i.e. update million records) with the
> current XUpdate spec. The usage of XPath allows to select a set of objects, not
> only single objects! You can select almost everything with XPath, honestly I
> don't know a query that I can't express via XPath. The query would be really
> complex but you can do it.

I argued this with Jonathan...  You can select a set of objects with an
XPath if you virtualized the system as a single document, but not
necessarily otherwise.

> Tom, can you explain the base architecture of dbXML a little bit more. With this
> information I'm hopefully able to understand some of your ideas. We had many
> discussions here at SMB about 'XUpdate' that result in conflictive facts (to
> your proposed approach)

dbXML is a bad example of my arguments because it actually fits into
your spec really well, but here goes:

   has Databases
       has Schemas
       has Procedures
       has XMLObjects       
       has Collections           
           has Documents
           has Indexes
           has Triggers
           uses a Schema
           uses XMLObjects           

Using this, we can form URLs like: 
to retrieve a Document 
to execute an XMLObject method
to retrieve part of a document 
to execute a procedure

Documents can be stored by a filename or an Object ID, either of which
can be used to retrieve the document later.  But the ability to retrieve
a document by some unique ID shouldn't be a requirement of an XML
Database  The recommended content of a Document is an atomic Object
(like a User, Invoice, Product, whatever...)  

Our notion of a collection is virtual.  By default, we store the
collection in a linear hash file, but we can also treat an in-memory
temporary table, an FTP site, a directory, an RDBMS, an EDI data source,
a CORBA service, or whatever as a Collection.  

We're also providing the ability to link an XMLObject to a schema
element so that parts of a DOM tree can be dynamically generated from
Java code.  So for example, if we attached a timestamp (fictional)
XMLObject to an element of a schema, the XMLObject could automatically
insert the current time and date as content into the DOM node when it is
being retrieved (if it is even retrieved).  We're also using this to
perform automatic aggregation of external content.

That's a quick high-level...  There's quite a bit more to it but that's
how things are stored.
<name>Tom Bradford</name>
<title>Chief Software Architect</title>
<company>The dbXML Group</company>
<phone>(480) 421-1233</phone>
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