On Sun, Jan 04, 2015 at 09:40:23PM -0800, John Reiser wrote:
> du...@dustymabe.com claimed:
> >[dustymabe@localhost traces]$ sha256sum SEQ_LBM.t.gz 
> >/mnt/SEQ_LBM.t.gz.uncompressed
> >017b3456df8e658e2e50ff3f33ca66ce11eb91b59abfd6c3d259502b53951608  
> >SEQ_LBM.t.gz
> >ca07c3604b104631bf377cac62537a40bd79be1c3971a23e7605843d5c588e72  
> >/mnt/SEQ_LBM.t.gz.uncompressed
> Have you considered the possibility of hardware error?
> What is the age of the CPU and mainboard?  How much RAM?
> When was the last time you ran memtest86+ for at least 8 hours?
> What does smartctl say about the health of your disk drives?

Thanks so much for trying this out. I should have suspected hardware
sooner. I have just replicated your exact results on a different
machine so I think it is safe to say I have something awry with that 
that hardware.

Thanks again,

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