On 2021-01-08 Brett Okken wrote:
> Are there any plans to update xz-java to take advantage of newer
> features in jdk 9+?

There aren't much plans at all. Adding module-info.java is likely to
happen in the next release, whenever that will be.

Apache Commons Compress 1.20 requires Java 7. It depends on XZ for
Java. I think it wouldn't be good to make XZ for Java require a newer
Java version than Commons Compress but it could be discussed with
Commons Compress developers. There's a bug with .7z files that requires
changing both XZ for Java and Commons Compress so I could ask about the
Java version too.

> For example, Arrays.mismatch[1] leverages vectorized comparisons of 2
> byte[]. This could be leveraged in the getMatches methods of BT4 and
> HC4 as well as the 2 getMatchLen methods in LZEncoder.
> Another example would be to use a VarHandle to read int values out of
> a byte[][2], which would be useful for the calcHashes method in
> Hash234.

Thanks! These sound interesting. If they make big enough difference, it
could be a good reason to require Java 9.

I will need to check out the LZDecoder improvement from the other
message too, and perhaps a few variations of it. Thanks!

There are multiple things in XZ Utils that I try to look at in the near
future so it will be a while until I will play with the Java code.

Lasse Collin  |  IRC: Larhzu @ IRCnet & Freenode

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