On 2021-01-29 Brett Okken wrote:
> There are several places where single byte writes are being done
> during compression. Often this is going to an OutputStream with
> synchronized write methods. Historically that has not mattered much
> because of biased locking. However, biased locking is being
> removed[1]. These changes will batch those writes up to a small
> buffer.

LZMA2OutputStream: I have committed a functionally similar patch.

BlockOutputStream: The ByteBuffer code replacing ByteArrayOutputStream
is more complex than the original code. For example, manually resizing
a buffer may be useful when performance is important but in this class
performance doesn't matter.

IndexEncoder: If there were a huge number of Blocks and thus Records,
it would allocate memory to hold them all. It could be nicer to use
something similar to BufferedOutputStream which would always use the
same small amount of memory. java.io.BufferedOutputStream cannot be
used because its close() and flush() methods call flush() on the
underlying output stream and here it's counter-productive.

The reading side in IndexDecoder and IndexHash could be similarly
optimized to use a buffered input class that takes an argument to limit
how many bytes it may read from the underlying InputStream.

If the Index* classes are optimized, then the CRC32 writing in
XZOutputStream, IndexEncoder, and BlockOutputStream may be worth
optimizing too.

It's important to keep in mind that these make no real difference if the
application buffers the input or output with BufferedInputStream or
BufferedOutputStream. In some use cases it may be impractical though,
and then the small reads and writes may hurt if each read/write results
in a syscall or even sending packets over network; such overheads can
be much larger than locking.

I put these optimizations in the "nice to have" category. Something
could be done to make the code better but it's not urgent and so these
won't be in the next release.

Lasse Collin  |  IRC: Larhzu @ IRCnet & Freenode

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