Hi all, 

I developed a "copy" of GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper which evaluate the time step 
of a system of particle with Law2_ScGeom_ViscElPhys_Basic contact law (spring + 
viscous damping).

The principle of the time step evaluation is : 
We consider that the elastic and the viscous degrees of freedom are decoupled. 
From that, we evaluate the critical time step of the system of particles 
considering the elastic part only (dt_el) on one hand, and considering the 
viscous part only (dt_visc) on the other hand. Then, we take the minimum of the 
two timestep and multiply it by a safety factor to account for the possible 
coupling between the two effect (dt = alpha*min(dt_el,dt_visc). 

To do so, I took GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper (GSTS) which is already evaluating 
the elastic critical time step, and implemented similarly a calculation for the 
viscous critical time step of the system from the the viscosity matrix of each 
particles. The changes are not so important between the version I implemented 
and the last one (see the code below). I tested it in cases where the normal 
viscous part is dominant and the new version gives a lower time step which 
allows to keep the caculus stable, while in the old version everything explode, 
so it seems to work.

I have some questions about that :
- Does the evaluation of the time step seems reasonable to you? 
- What can I do to test it quantitavely ? (if I try a collision between two 
beads, GSTS does not work..)
- To add it to the code, should I add it as a new "file"/"function" or should I 
implement it as an option of GSTS ? 

And about GSTS in general : 
- why is GSTS not working when we consider a gravity deposition or a collision 
?? (even when defaultDt is small enough)




*  Copyright (C) 2006 by Bruno Chareyre                                  *
*  bruno.chare...@hmg.inpg.fr                                            *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *



GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::~GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper() {}

void GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::findTimeStepFromBody(const shared_ptr<Body>& 
body, Scene * ncb)
        State* sdec=body->state.get();
        Vector3r&  stiffness= stiffnesses[body->getId()];
        Vector3r& Rstiffness=Rstiffnesses[body->getId()];
        Vector3r& viscosity= viscosities[body->getId()];
        Vector3r& Rviscosity= Rviscosities[body->getId()];

        if(body->isClump()) {// if clump, we sum stifnesses of all members
                const shared_ptr<Clump>& 
                FOREACH(Clump::MemberMap::value_type& B, clump->members){
                        const shared_ptr<Body>& b = Body::byId(B.first,scene);
        if(!sdec || stiffness==Vector3r::Zero()){
                if (densityScaling) sdec->densityScaling = 
                return; // not possible to compute!

        //Determine the elastic critical time step and the viscous one 
separately (as if they were decoupled) and take the minimum      time step with 
a safety coefficient. 

        Real dtx, dty, dtz;
        Real dt = max( max (stiffness.x(), stiffness.y()), stiffness.z() );
        if (dt!=0) {
                dt = sdec->mass/dt;  computedSomething = true;}//dt = squared 
eigenperiod of translational motion 
        else dt = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        if (Rstiffness.x()!=0) {
                dtx = sdec->inertia.x()/Rstiffness.x();  computedSomething = 
true;}//dtx = squared eigenperiod of rotational motion around x
        else dtx = Mathr::MAX_REAL;     
        if (Rstiffness.y()!=0) {
                dty = sdec->inertia.y()/Rstiffness.y();  computedSomething = 
        else dty = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        if (Rstiffness.z()!=0) {
                dtz = sdec->inertia.z()/Rstiffness.z();  computedSomething = 
        else dtz = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        Real Rdt =  std::min( std::min (dtx, dty), dtz );//Rdt = smallest 
squared eigenperiod for elastic rotational motions
        dt = 
1.41044*timestepSafetyCoefficient*std::sqrt(std::min(dt,Rdt));//1.41044 = 
        Real dtx_visc, dty_visc, dtz_visc;
        Real dt_visc = max(max(viscosity.x(), viscosity.y()), viscosity.z() );
        if (dt_visc!=0) {
                dt_visc = sdec->mass/dt_visc;  computedSomething = true;}//dt = 
eigenperiod of the viscous translational motion 
        else {dt_visc = Mathr::MAX_REAL;}

        if (Rviscosity.x()!=0) {
                dtx_visc = sdec->inertia.x()/Rviscosity.x();  computedSomething 
= true;}//dtx = eigenperiod of viscous rotational motion around x
        else dtx_visc = Mathr::MAX_REAL;        
        if (Rviscosity.y()!=0) {
                dty_visc = sdec->inertia.y()/Rviscosity.y();  computedSomething 
= true;}
        else dty_visc = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        if (Rviscosity.z()!=0) {
                dtz_visc = sdec->inertia.z()/Rviscosity.z();  computedSomething 
= true;}
        else dtz_visc = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        Real Rdt_visc =  std::min( std::min (dtx_visc, dty_visc), dtz_visc 
);//Rdt = smallest squared eigenperiod for viscous rotational motions
        dt_visc = 2*timestepSafetyCoefficient*std::min(dt_visc,Rdt_visc);

        //Take the minimum between the elastic and viscous critical time step. 
        dt = std::min(dt,dt_visc);

        //if there is a target dt, then we apply density scaling on the body, 
the inertia used in Newton will be mass*scaling, the weight is unmodified
        if (densityScaling) {
                sdec->densityScaling = 
min(sdec->densityScaling,timestepSafetyCoefficient*pow(dt /targetDt,2.0));
        //else we update dt normaly
        else {newDt = std::min(dt,newDt);}   

bool GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::isActivated()
        return (active && ((!computedOnce) || (scene->iter % 
timeStepUpdateInterval == 0) || (scene->iter < (long int) 2) ));

void GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::computeTimeStep(Scene* ncb)
        // for some reason, this line is necessary to have correct functioning 
(no idea _why_)
        // see scripts/test/compare-identical.py, run with or without 
        if (defaultDt<0) defaultDt= 

        shared_ptr<BodyContainer>& bodies = ncb->bodies;
        newDt = Mathr::MAX_REAL;
        BodyContainer::iterator bi    = bodies->begin();
        BodyContainer::iterator biEnd = bodies->end();
        for(  ; bi!=biEnd ; ++bi ){
                shared_ptr<Body> b = *bi;
                if (b->isDynamic() && !b->isClumpMember()) 
findTimeStepFromBody(b, ncb);
        if(densityScaling) (newDt=targetDt);
        if(computedSomething || densityScaling){
                previousDt = min ( min(newDt , maxDt), 1.05*previousDt );// at 
maximum, dt will be multiplied by 1.05 in one iterration, this is to prevent 
brutal switches from 0.000... to 1 in some computations
                computedOnce = true;}
        else if (!computedOnce) scene->dt=defaultDt;
        LOG_INFO("computed timestep " << newDt <<
                        (scene->dt==newDt ? string(", applied") :
                        string(", BUT timestep is 

void GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper::computeStiffnesses(Scene* rb){
        /* check size */
        size_t size=stiffnesses.size();
                stiffnesses.resize(size); Rstiffnesses.resize(size);
                viscosities.resize(size); Rviscosities.resize(size);
        /* reset stored values */
        memset(& stiffnesses[0],0,sizeof(Vector3r)*size);
        memset(& viscosities[0],0,sizeof(Vector3r)*size);
        memset(& Rviscosities[0],0,sizeof(Vector3r)*size);

        FOREACH(const shared_ptr<Interaction>& contact, *rb->interactions){
                if(!contact->isReal()) continue;

geom=YADE_CAST<GenericSpheresContact*>(contact->geom.get()); assert(geom);
                ViscElPhys* phys = YADE_CAST<ViscElPhys*>(contact->phys.get()); 
                // all we need for getting stiffness
                Vector3r& normal=geom->normal; Real& kn=phys->kn; Real& 
ks=phys->ks; Real& radius1=geom->refR1; Real& radius2=geom->refR2;
                Real& cn=phys->cn; Real& cs=phys->cs;
                Real fn = (static_cast<NormShearPhys *> 
                if (fn==0) continue;//Is it a problem with some laws? I still 
don't see why.
                //Diagonal terms of the translational stiffness matrix
                Vector3r diag_stiffness = 
                diag_stiffness *= kn-ks;
                diag_stiffness = diag_stiffness + Vector3r(1,1,1)*ks;

                //diagonal terms of the rotational stiffness matrix
                // Vector3r branch1 = 
                // Vector3r branch2 = 
                Vector3r diag_Rstiffness =
                diag_Rstiffness *= ks;

                //Diagonal terms of the translational viscous matrix
                Vector3r diag_viscosity = 
                diag_viscosity *= cn-cs;
                diag_viscosity = diag_viscosity + Vector3r(1,1,1)*cs;
                //diagonal terms of the rotational viscous matrix
                Vector3r diag_Rviscosity =
                diag_Rviscosity *= cs;

                //NOTE : contact laws with moments would be handled correctly 
by summing directly bending+twisting stiffness to diag_Rstiffness. The fact 
that there is no problem currently with e.g. cohesiveFrict law is probably 
because final computed dt is constrained by translational motion, not rotations.
                stiffnesses [contact->getId1()]+=diag_stiffness;
                viscosities [contact->getId1()]+=diag_viscosity;
                stiffnesses [contact->getId2()]+=diag_stiffness;
                viscosities [contact->getId2()]+=diag_viscosity;


*  Copyright (C) 2006 by Bruno Chareyre                                  *
*  bruno.chare...@hmg.inpg.fr                                            *
*                                                                        *
*  This program is free software; it is licensed under the terms of the  *
*  GNU General Public License v2 or later. See file LICENSE for details. *

#pragma once


/*! \brief Compute the critical timestep of the leap-frog scheme based on 
global stiffness of bodies
        See usage details in TriaxialTest documentation (TriaxialTest is also a 
good example of how to use this class)

class Interaction;
class BodyContainer;
class Scene;

class GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper : public TimeStepper
        private :
                vector<Vector3r> stiffnesses;
                vector<Vector3r> Rstiffnesses;
                vector<Vector3r> viscosities;
                vector<Vector3r> Rviscosities;
                void computeStiffnesses(Scene*);

                Real            newDt;
                bool            computedSomething,
                void findTimeStepFromBody(const shared_ptr<Body>& body, Scene * 
        public :
                virtual ~GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper();
                virtual void computeTimeStep(Scene*);
                virtual bool isActivated();
                        GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper,TimeStepper,"An engine 
assigning the time-step as a fraction of the minimum eigen-period in the 
problem. The derivation is detailed in the chapter on `DEM formulation 
                        ((Real,defaultDt,-1,,"used as the initial value of the 
timestep (especially useful in the first steps when no contact exist). If 
negative, it will be defined by :yref:`utils.PWaveTimeStep` * 
                        ((Real,maxDt,Mathr::MAX_REAL,,"if positive, used as max 
value of the timestep whatever the computed value"))
                        ((Real,previousDt,1,,"last computed dt |yupdate|"))
                        ((Real,timestepSafetyCoefficient,0.8,,"safety factor 
between the minimum eigen-period and the final assigned dt (less than 1))"))
                        ((bool,densityScaling,false,,"|yupdate| don't modify 
this value if you don't plan to modify the scaling factor manually for some 
bodies. In most cases, it is enough to set 
:yref:`NewtonIntegrator::densityScaling` and let this one be adjusted 
:yref:`NewtonIntegrator::densityScaling` is active, this value will be used as 
the simulation  timestep and the scaling will use this value of dt as the 
target value. The value of targetDt is arbitrary and should have no effect in 
the result in general. However if some bodies have imposed velocities, for 
instance, they will move more or less per each step depending on this value.")),


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