Public bug reported:

After start keystone v3 configuration on ubuntu Liberty, I run server list 
command and get "unexpected API Error".
#openstack --debug server list
START with options: %s(u"['--debug', 'server', 'list']",)
options: %s(u"Namespace(access_token_endpoint='', auth_type='', 
auth_url='', cacert='/root/openst2.pem', 
client_id='', client_secret='', cloud='', debug=True, default_domain='default', 
deferred_help=False, domain_id='', domain_name='', endpoint='', 
identity_provider='', identity_provider_url='', insecure=None, interface='', 
log_file=None, os_compute_api_version='', os_data_processing_api_version='1.1', 
os_identity_api_version='3', os_image_api_version='2', 
os_network_api_version='2', os_object_api_version='', os_project_id=None, 
os_project_name=None, os_queues_api_version='1.1', os_volume_api_version='', 
password='***', project_domain_id='', project_domain_name='Default', 
project_id='', project_name='admin', protocol='', region_name='RegionOne', 
scope='', service_provider_endpoint='', timeout=600, timing=False, token='', 
trust_id='', url='', user_domain_id='', user_domain_name='Default', user_id='', 
username='admin', verbose_level=3, verify=None)",)
defaults: %s{'auth_type': 'password', 'compute_api_version': '2', 
'database_api_version': '1.0', 'api_timeout': None, 'baremetal_api_version': 
'1', 'cacert': None, 'image_api_use_tasks': False, 'floating_ip_source': 
'neutron', 'key': None, 'interface': None, 'network_api_version': '2', 
'image_format': 'qcow2', 'object_api_version': '1', 'image_api_version': '1', 
'verify': True, 'identity_api_version': '2', 'volume_api_version': '1', 'cert': 
None, 'secgroup_source': 'neutron', 'dns_api_version': '2', 
'disable_vendor_agent': {}}
cloud cfg: %s(u"{'auth_type': 'password', 'compute_api_version': '2', 
'database_api_version': '1.0', 'data_processing_api_version': '1.1', 
'network_api_version': '2', 'image_format': 'qcow2', 'object_api_version': '1', 
'queues_api_version': '1.1', 'verify': True, 'timing': False, 
'dns_api_version': '2', 'verbose_level': 3, 'region_name': 'RegionOne', 
'api_timeout': None, 'baremetal_api_version': '1', 'image_api_version': '2', 
'auth': {'username': 'admin', 'project_name': 'admin', 'tenant_name': 'admin', 
'user_domain_name': 'Default', 'auth_url': '', 
'password': '***', 'project_domain_name': 'Default'}, 'default_domain': 
'default', 'image_api_use_tasks': False, 'floating_ip_source': 'neutron', 
'key': None, 'cacert': '/root/openst2.pem', 'deferred_help': False, 
'identity_api_version': '3', 'volume_api_version': '1', 'cert': None, 
'secgroup_source': 'neutron', 'timeout': 600, 'debug': True, 'interface': None, 
'disable_vendor_agent': {}}",)
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 'group': 
'openstack.compute.v2', 'name': 'compute'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 'group': 
'', 'name': 'network'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 'group': 
'openstack.image.v2', 'name': 'image'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1', 'group': 
'openstack.volume.v1', 'name': 'volume'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '3', 'group': 
'openstack.identity.v3', 'name': 'identity'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1', 'group': 
'openstack.object_store.v1', 'name': 'object_store'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1.1', 
'group': 'openstack.data_processing.v1', 'name': 'data_processing'}
%(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1.1', 
'group': 'openstack.messaging.v1', 'name': 'messaging'}
command: %s -> %s.%s('server list', 'openstackclient.compute.v2.server', 
Auth plugin password selected
auth_type: %s('password',)
Using auth plugin: password
Using parameters {'username': 'admin', 'project_name': 'admin', 'auth_url': 
'', 'tenant_name': 'admin', 'user_domain_name': 
'Default', 'password': '***', 'project_domain_name': 'Default'}
Get auth_ref
REQ: curl -g -i --cacert "/root/openst2.pem" -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: 
Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This 
prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL 
connections to fail. For more information, see
"GET /v3 HTTP/1.1" 200 253
RESP: [200] content-length: 253 vary: X-Auth-Token server: Apache connection: 
close date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:39:04 GMT content-type: application/json 
x-openstack-request-id: req-38e6c560-fde4-4807-b51a-4111c4516f2a 
RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": "2015-03-30T00:00:00Z", 
"media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": 
"application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json"}], "id": "v3.4", "links": 
[{"href": "";, "rel": "self"}]}}

Making authentication request to 
Resetting dropped connection:
"POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 7674
%s(%s)('take_action', "Namespace(all_projects=False, columns=[], flavor=None, 
formatter='table', host=None, image=None, instance_name=None, ip=None, 
ip6=None, long=False, max_width=0, name=None, project=None, 
project_domain=None, quote_mode='nonnumeric', reservation_id=None, status=None, 
user=None, user_domain=None)")
Instantiating compute client for VAPI Version Major: 2, Minor: 0
Instantiating identity client: %s(<class 'keystoneclient.v3.client.Client'>,)
search options: %s{'status': None, 'ip': None, 'image': None, 'host': None, 
'ip6': None, 'all_tenants': False, 'flavor': None, 'reservation_id': None, 
'user_id': None, 'name': None, 'tenant_id': None, 'instance_name': None}
Making authentication request to 
Resetting dropped connection:
"POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 7674
REQ: curl -g -i --cacert "/root/openst2.pem" -X GET -H 
"User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 
Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
"GET /v2/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/servers/detail HTTP/1.1" 500 193
RESP: [500] date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:39:05 GMT connection: close content-type: 
application/json; charset=UTF-8 content-length: 193 x-compute-request-id: 
RESP BODY: {"computeFault": {"message": "Unexpected API Error. Please report 
this at and attach the Nova API log if 
possible.\n<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>", "code": 500}}

Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and 
attach the Nova API log if possible.
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 374, in 
    result =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 92, in run
    column_names, data = self.take_action(parsed_args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/common/", line 
46, in wrapper
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/compute/v2/", 
line 787, in take_action
    data = compute_client.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/v2/", line 608, 
in list
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 72, in _list
    _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/", line 170, 
in get
    return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 93, in 
    raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)
ClientException: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible.
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 
clean_up %s: %s('ListServer', ClientException())
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/", line 113, 
in run
    ret_val = super(OpenStackShell, self).run(argv)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 255, in run
    result = self.run_subcommand(remainder)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 374, in 
    result =
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 92, in run
    column_names, data = self.take_action(parsed_args)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/common/", line 
46, in wrapper
    return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/compute/v2/", 
line 787, in take_action
    data = compute_client.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/v2/", line 608, 
in list
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 72, in _list
    _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/", line 170, 
in get
    return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 93, in 
    raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)
ClientException: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible.
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 


2017-05-31 11:00:30.594 474935 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474935) accepted ('', 37775) server 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.028 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'2017' for 'year' 
with default None to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.029 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'06' for 
'monthdash' with default 1 to_int 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.029 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got 6 for 'month' with 
default 6 to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.030 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'01' for 
'daydash' with default 1 to_int 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.030 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got 1 for 'day' with 
default 1 to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.031 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'03' for 'hour' 
with default None to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.031 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'40' for 'minute' 
with default None to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.032 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'13' for 'second' 
with default None to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
2017-06-01 02:52:59.034 474936 DEBUG keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] Received 
request from user: user_id a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86, project_id 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6, roles admin process_request 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.036 474936 DEBUG nova.utils 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Reloading cached file 
/etc/nova/policy.json read_cached_file 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.041 474936 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.policy 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Reloaded policy file: 
/etc/nova/policy.json _load_policy_file 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.375 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Matched GET 
/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/limits __call__ 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.376 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Route path: '/{project_id}/limits', 
defaults: {'action': u'index', 'controller': 
<nova.api.openstack.wsgi.ResourceV21 object at 0x7f5db7c92450>} __call__ 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.376 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Match dict: {'action': u'index', 
'controller': <nova.api.openstack.wsgi.ResourceV21 object at 0x7f5db7c92450>, 
'project_id': u'1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6'} __call__ 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.377 474936 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Calling method '<bound method 
LimitsController.index of <nova.api.openstack.compute.limits.LimitsController 
object at 0x7f5db7cf1ed0>>' _process_stack 
2017-06-01 02:52:59.382 474936 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] "GET 
/v2/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/limits HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 701 
time: 0.3726971
2017-06-01 02:53:01.377 474981 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474981) 
accepted ('', 53493) server 
2017-06-01 02:53:01.382 474981 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.438s 
OPTIONS / None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
2017-06-01 02:53:01.383 474981 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] 
"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0020192
2017-06-01 02:53:02.364 474981 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474981) 
accepted ('', 58832) server 
2017-06-01 02:53:02.366 474981 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.263s OPTIONS / 
None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
2017-06-01 02:53:02.367 474981 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] 
"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0014482
2017-06-01 02:53:06.906 474944 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474944) accepted ('', 36586) server 
2017-06-01 02:53:06.908 474944 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [-] Calling method 
'<bound method Versions.index of <nova.api.openstack.compute.versions.Versions 
object at 0x7f5db8205550>>' _process_stack 
2017-06-01 02:53:06.912 474944 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 501 time: 0.0042901
2017-06-01 02:53:07.146 474927 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474927) accepted ('', 35045) server 
2017-06-01 02:53:07.148 474927 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [-] Calling method 
'<bound method Versions.index of <nova.api.openstack.compute.versions.Versions 
object at 0x7f5db8205550>>' _process_stack 
2017-06-01 02:53:07.155 474927 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 501 time: 0.0043240
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1271, in _log
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1281, in handle
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1271, in _log
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1281, in handle
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1321, in callHandlers
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 749, in handle
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_log/", line 101, in emit
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 724, in format
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_log/", line 236, in format
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 464, in format
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
record.message = record.getMessage()
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 328, in getMessage
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     msg = 
msg % self.args
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 
183, in __str__
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
"Load(strategy=%r)" % self.strategy
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERRO Rnovd API Error:enstack.extensions 
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions
2017-06-01 02:40:28.393 474943 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API 
Error. Please report this at and attach the 
Nova API log if possible.
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
2017-06-01 02:40:28.394 474943 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Returning 500 to user: Unexpected API 
Error. Please report this at and attach the 
Nova API log if possible.
<type 'exceptions.TypeError'> __call__ 
2017-06-01 02:40:28.395 474943 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] "GET 
 HTTP/1.1" status: 500 len: 419 time: 1.1530519
2017-06-01 02:40:30.214 474965 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474965) 
accepted ('', 47646) server 
2017-06-01 02:40:30.215 474965 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.172s 
OPTIONS / None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
2017-06-01 02:40:30.215 474965 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] 
"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0007858
2017-06-01 02:40:30.874 474965 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474965) 
accepted ('', 52537) server 
2017-06-01 02:40:30.875 474965 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.143s OPTIONS / 
None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
#dpkg -l | grep nova
ii  nova-api                             2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - compute API frontend
ii  nova-cert                            2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - certificate manager
ii  nova-common                          2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - common files
ii  nova-conductor                       2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - conductor service
ii  nova-consoleauth                     2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - Console Authenticator
ii  nova-consoleproxy                    2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - NoVNC proxy
ii  nova-objectstore                     2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - object store
ii  nova-scheduler                       2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
ii  python-nova                          2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21                
all          OpenStack Compute - libraries
ii  python-novaclient                    2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5                 
all          client library for OpenStack Compute API

Storage is Ceph.

** Affects: nova
     Importance: Undecided
         Status: New

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Yahoo!
Engineering Team, which is subscribed to OpenStack Compute (nova).

  openstack server list report "Unexpected API Error" under unbuntu
  liberty keystone v3

Status in OpenStack Compute (nova):

Bug description:
  After start keystone v3 configuration on ubuntu Liberty, I run server list 
command and get "unexpected API Error".
  #openstack --debug server list
  START with options: %s(u"['--debug', 'server', 'list']",)
  options: %s(u"Namespace(access_token_endpoint='', auth_type='', 
auth_url='', cacert='/root/openst2.pem', 
client_id='', client_secret='', cloud='', debug=True, default_domain='default', 
deferred_help=False, domain_id='', domain_name='', endpoint='', 
identity_provider='', identity_provider_url='', insecure=None, interface='', 
log_file=None, os_compute_api_version='', os_data_processing_api_version='1.1', 
os_identity_api_version='3', os_image_api_version='2', 
os_network_api_version='2', os_object_api_version='', os_project_id=None, 
os_project_name=None, os_queues_api_version='1.1', os_volume_api_version='', 
password='***', project_domain_id='', project_domain_name='Default', 
project_id='', project_name='admin', protocol='', region_name='RegionOne', 
scope='', service_provider_endpoint='', timeout=600, timing=False, token='', 
trust_id='', url='', user_domain_id='', user_domain_name='Default', user_id='', 
username='admin', verbose_level=3, verify=None)",)
  defaults: %s{'auth_type': 'password', 'compute_api_version': '2', 
'database_api_version': '1.0', 'api_timeout': None, 'baremetal_api_version': 
'1', 'cacert': None, 'image_api_use_tasks': False, 'floating_ip_source': 
'neutron', 'key': None, 'interface': None, 'network_api_version': '2', 
'image_format': 'qcow2', 'object_api_version': '1', 'image_api_version': '1', 
'verify': True, 'identity_api_version': '2', 'volume_api_version': '1', 'cert': 
None, 'secgroup_source': 'neutron', 'dns_api_version': '2', 
'disable_vendor_agent': {}}
  cloud cfg: %s(u"{'auth_type': 'password', 'compute_api_version': '2', 
'database_api_version': '1.0', 'data_processing_api_version': '1.1', 
'network_api_version': '2', 'image_format': 'qcow2', 'object_api_version': '1', 
'queues_api_version': '1.1', 'verify': True, 'timing': False, 
'dns_api_version': '2', 'verbose_level': 3, 'region_name': 'RegionOne', 
'api_timeout': None, 'baremetal_api_version': '1', 'image_api_version': '2', 
'auth': {'username': 'admin', 'project_name': 'admin', 'tenant_name': 'admin', 
'user_domain_name': 'Default', 'auth_url': '', 
'password': '***', 'project_domain_name': 'Default'}, 'default_domain': 
'default', 'image_api_use_tasks': False, 'floating_ip_source': 'neutron', 
'key': None, 'cacert': '/root/openst2.pem', 'deferred_help': False, 
'identity_api_version': '3', 'volume_api_version': '1', 'cert': None, 
'secgroup_source': 'neutron', 'timeout': 600, 'debug': True, 'interface': None, 
'disable_vendor_agent': {}}",)
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 
'group': 'openstack.compute.v2', 'name': 'compute'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 
'group': '', 'name': 'network'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '2', 
'group': 'openstack.image.v2', 'name': 'image'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1', 
'group': 'openstack.volume.v1', 'name': 'volume'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '3', 
'group': 'openstack.identity.v3', 'name': 'identity'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1', 
'group': 'openstack.object_store.v1', 'name': 'object_store'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1.1', 
'group': 'openstack.data_processing.v1', 'name': 'data_processing'}
  %(name)s API version %(version)s, cmd group %(group)s{'version': '1.1', 
'group': 'openstack.messaging.v1', 'name': 'messaging'}
  command: %s -> %s.%s('server list', 'openstackclient.compute.v2.server', 
  Auth plugin password selected
  auth_type: %s('password',)
  Using auth plugin: password
  Using parameters {'username': 'admin', 'project_name': 'admin', 'auth_url': 
'', 'tenant_name': 'admin', 'user_domain_name': 
'Default', 'password': '***', 'project_domain_name': 'Default'}
  Get auth_ref
  REQ: curl -g -i --cacert "/root/openst2.pem" -X GET -H "Accept: application/json" -H "User-Agent: 
  Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This 
prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL 
connections to fail. For more information, see
  "GET /v3 HTTP/1.1" 200 253
  RESP: [200] content-length: 253 vary: X-Auth-Token server: Apache connection: 
close date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:39:04 GMT content-type: application/json 
x-openstack-request-id: req-38e6c560-fde4-4807-b51a-4111c4516f2a 
  RESP BODY: {"version": {"status": "stable", "updated": 
"2015-03-30T00:00:00Z", "media-types": [{"base": "application/json", "type": 
"application/vnd.openstack.identity-v3+json"}], "id": "v3.4", "links": 
[{"href": "";, "rel": "self"}]}}

  Making authentication request to 
  Resetting dropped connection:
  "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 7674
  %s(%s)('take_action', "Namespace(all_projects=False, columns=[], flavor=None, 
formatter='table', host=None, image=None, instance_name=None, ip=None, 
ip6=None, long=False, max_width=0, name=None, project=None, 
project_domain=None, quote_mode='nonnumeric', reservation_id=None, status=None, 
user=None, user_domain=None)")
  Instantiating compute client for VAPI Version Major: 2, Minor: 0
  Instantiating identity client: %s(<class 'keystoneclient.v3.client.Client'>,)
  search options: %s{'status': None, 'ip': None, 'image': None, 'host': None, 
'ip6': None, 'all_tenants': False, 'flavor': None, 'reservation_id': None, 
'user_id': None, 'name': None, 'tenant_id': None, 'instance_name': None}
  Making authentication request to 
  Resetting dropped connection:
  "POST /v3/auth/tokens HTTP/1.1" 201 7674
  REQ: curl -g -i --cacert "/root/openst2.pem" -X GET -H 
"User-Agent: python-novaclient" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "X-Auth-Token: 
  Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
  "GET /v2/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/servers/detail HTTP/1.1" 500 193
  RESP: [500] date: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:39:05 GMT connection: close 
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8 content-length: 193 
x-compute-request-id: req-e6ed8190-f926-4f00-8e51-1ebcce98ab7e 
  RESP BODY: {"computeFault": {"message": "Unexpected API Error. Please report 
this at and attach the Nova API log if 
possible.\n<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>", "code": 500}}

  Unexpected API Error. Please report this at 
and attach the Nova API log if possible.
  <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 374, in 
      result =
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 92, in run
      column_names, data = self.take_action(parsed_args)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/common/", 
line 46, in wrapper
      return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/compute/v2/", line 
787, in take_action
      data = compute_client.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/v2/", line 608, 
in list
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 72, in 
      _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/", line 
170, in get
      return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 93, in 
      raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)
  ClientException: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible.
  <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 
  clean_up %s: %s('ListServer', ClientException())
  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/", line 113, 
in run
      ret_val = super(OpenStackShell, self).run(argv)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 255, in run
      result = self.run_subcommand(remainder)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 374, in 
      result =
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 92, in run
      column_names, data = self.take_action(parsed_args)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/common/", 
line 46, in wrapper
      return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openstackclient/compute/v2/", line 
787, in take_action
      data = compute_client.servers.list(search_opts=search_opts)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/v2/", line 608, 
in list
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 72, in 
      _resp, body = self.api.client.get(url)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/", line 
170, in get
      return self.request(url, 'GET', **kwargs)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/", line 93, in 
      raise exceptions.from_response(resp, body, url, method)
  ClientException: Unexpected API Error. Please report this at and attach the Nova API log if possible.
  <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: 


  2017-05-31 11:00:30.594 474935 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474935) accepted ('', 37775) server 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.028 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'2017' for 
'year' with default None to_int 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.029 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'06' for 
'monthdash' with default 1 to_int 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.029 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got 6 for 'month' 
with default 6 to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.030 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'01' for 
'daydash' with default 1 to_int 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.030 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got 1 for 'day' with 
default 1 to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.031 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'03' for 'hour' 
with default None to_int /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/iso8601/
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.031 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'40' for 
'minute' with default None to_int 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.032 474936 DEBUG iso8601.iso8601 [-] Got u'13' for 
'second' with default None to_int 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.034 474936 DEBUG keystonemiddleware.auth_token [-] 
Received request from user: user_id a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86, 
project_id 1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6, roles admin process_request 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.036 474936 DEBUG nova.utils 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Reloading cached file 
/etc/nova/policy.json read_cached_file 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.041 474936 DEBUG nova.openstack.common.policy 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Reloaded policy file: 
/etc/nova/policy.json _load_policy_file 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.375 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Matched GET 
/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/limits __call__ 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.376 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Route path: '/{project_id}/limits', 
defaults: {'action': u'index', 'controller': 
<nova.api.openstack.wsgi.ResourceV21 object at 0x7f5db7c92450>} __call__ 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.376 474936 DEBUG routes.middleware 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Match dict: {'action': u'index', 
'controller': <nova.api.openstack.wsgi.ResourceV21 object at 0x7f5db7c92450>, 
'project_id': u'1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6'} __call__ 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.377 474936 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Calling method '<bound method 
LimitsController.index of <nova.api.openstack.compute.limits.LimitsController 
object at 0x7f5db7cf1ed0>>' _process_stack 
  2017-06-01 02:52:59.382 474936 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server 
[req-e4f3d847-1991-47fd-a895-92f0e8265a5d a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] "GET 
/v2/1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6/limits HTTP/1.1" status: 200 len: 701 
time: 0.3726971
  2017-06-01 02:53:01.377 474981 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474981) 
accepted ('', 53493) server 
  2017-06-01 02:53:01.382 474981 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.438s 
OPTIONS / None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
  2017-06-01 02:53:01.383 474981 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0020192
  2017-06-01 02:53:02.364 474981 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474981) 
accepted ('', 58832) server 
  2017-06-01 02:53:02.366 474981 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.263s OPTIONS 
/ None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
  2017-06-01 02:53:02.367 474981 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] 
"OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0014482
  2017-06-01 02:53:06.906 474944 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474944) accepted ('', 36586) server 
  2017-06-01 02:53:06.908 474944 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [-] Calling 
method '<bound method Versions.index of 
<nova.api.openstack.compute.versions.Versions object at 0x7f5db8205550>>' 
_process_stack /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/api/openstack/
  2017-06-01 02:53:06.912 474944 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 501 time: 0.0042901
  2017-06-01 02:53:07.146 474927 DEBUG nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] 
(474927) accepted ('', 35045) server 
  2017-06-01 02:53:07.148 474927 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [-] Calling 
method '<bound method Versions.index of 
<nova.api.openstack.compute.versions.Versions object at 0x7f5db8205550>>' 
_process_stack /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/api/openstack/
  2017-06-01 02:53:07.155 474927 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 501 time: 0.0043240
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1271, in _log
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1281, in handle
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1271, in _log
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1281, in handle
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 1321, in callHandlers
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 749, in handle
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_log/", line 101, in emit
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 724, in format
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_log/", line 236, in format
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
logging.Formatter.format(self, record)
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 464, in format
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     
record.message = record.getMessage()
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/logging/", line 328, in getMessage
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     msg = 
msg % self.args
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/", line 
183, in __str__
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions     return 
"Load(strategy=%r)" % self.strategy
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERRO Rnovd API Error:enstack.extensions 
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.389 474943 ERROR nova.api.openstack.extensions
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.393 474943 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] HTTP exception thrown: Unexpected API 
Error. Please report this at and attach the 
Nova API log if possible.
  <type 'exceptions.TypeError'>
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.394 474943 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] Returning 500 to user: Unexpected API 
Error. Please report this at and attach the 
Nova API log if possible.
  <type 'exceptions.TypeError'> __call__ 
  2017-06-01 02:40:28.395 474943 INFO nova.osapi_compute.wsgi.server 
[req-2720084a-4899-45bb-afe6-58500be3cccf a30343f8d1cc454582b4908e69db5a86 
1d7a9ffd4d8d4f37863e689a2703f3a6 - - -] "GET 
 HTTP/1.1" status: 500 len: 419 time: 1.1530519
  2017-06-01 02:40:30.214 474965 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474965) 
accepted ('', 47646) server 
  2017-06-01 02:40:30.215 474965 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.172s 
OPTIONS / None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
  2017-06-01 02:40:30.215 474965 INFO nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" status: 200 len: 234 time: 0.0007858
  2017-06-01 02:40:30.874 474965 DEBUG nova.metadata.wsgi.server [-] (474965) 
accepted ('', 52537) server 
  2017-06-01 02:40:30.875 474965 INFO nova.api.ec2 [-] 0.143s OPTIONS 
/ None:None 200 [None] text/plain text/plain
  #dpkg -l | grep nova
  ii  nova-api                             2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - compute API frontend
  ii  nova-cert                            2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - certificate manager
  ii  nova-common                          2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - common files
  ii  nova-conductor                       2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - conductor service
  ii  nova-consoleauth                     2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - Console Authenticator
  ii  nova-consoleproxy                    2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - NoVNC proxy
  ii  nova-objectstore                     2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - object store
  ii  nova-scheduler                       2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - virtual machine scheduler
  ii  python-nova                          2:12.0.2-1~u14.04+mos21              
  all          OpenStack Compute - libraries
  ii  python-novaclient                    2:2.30.2-1~u14.04+mos5               
  all          client library for OpenStack Compute API

  Storage is Ceph.

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