
I am using Yarn and facing some custom requirements which seem not supported 
Currently the getPriority() implementation in FSQueue and AppScheduler are all 
hard coded to be 1. We’d like them to reflect the real priority, say, from 
configuration file(or allocation file?).
We’d like to restrict container(or node?) assignments of some queues, e.g. we 
want queueA only assigned to node with ip

From my understanding, if I want to implement these requirements, I have to 
modify some codes in Yarn and probably do some extension as well. Thus I may 
have troubles in resolving conflicts when upgrading Yarn version. So I am 
Is there any way to achieve those two requirements without change the code?
If not, does Yarn have any plans to implement these?
If not, does these requirements sound general enough so that I can finished it 
by ourselves and try to merge it back to the trunk?

I am pretty new to Yarn, so If what I am asking sounds silly, please let me 
know and give the direction.


Cui Liqiang

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