It kind of got lost through my email, but when I talked about force-push, it is 
almost completely in the context of feature-branch rebase.

We almost never do force-push outside of this context, neither do we encourage 
it. And like I pointed, the fact that the mainline branches (trunk, branch-2 
etc) are already protected against force-pushes, and the latest infra’s change 
to notify force-pushes as explicitly marked so, are good enough for handling 
them IMO.


> On Jan 14, 2016, at 8:07 PM, Yongjun Zhang <> wrote:
> I assume we will have at least a committer review of any force-push. Say,
> if the commit history already has x, y, z, now we need to force push with
> x', we'd better not torget y and z, and if there is conflict putting in y
> and z after x', the conflict is better reviewed.

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