Last week the folks working on YARN-2928 (YARN Timeline Service v.2) had a
discussion on the timing and the content of the first merge to trunk. As
mentioned in this email thread previously [1], we are aiming to merge a
complete end-to-end feature with a HBase backend storage and basic UI based
on the new YARN UI framework (YARN-3368). We are characterizing it as a
"alpha" release not yet ready for production use or migration of existing
Timeline Service deployments. To that end, we will ensure that the feature
can be cleanly turned off without impacting existing functionalities.

We have not changed the broad parameters of the first merge from the prior
discussion, but we now have tentatively set our code complete date to *4/8*.
And we will work to merge the branch to trunk and be able to demo the
feature during the Hadoop Summit based on the code in trunk (6/28-30).

Your feedback, comments, and questions are welcome!



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