Subru, sorry for the last minute contribution... :) I've been looking at the branch, and I have two questions.

First, what's the out-of-box experience regarding the data store? Is the expectation that the user will have a database set up and ready to go? Will the state store set up the schema automatically, or is that on the user? I don't see that in the docs.

Second, how well does federation play with Kerberos? Anything special that needs to be configured to make it work?


On 7/25/17 8:24 PM, Subru Krishnan wrote:
Hi all,

Per earlier discussion [9], I'd like to start a formal vote to merge
feature YARN Federation (YARN-2915) [1] to trunk. The vote will run for 7
days, and will end Aug 1 7PM PDT.

We have been developing the feature in a branch (YARN-2915 [2]) for a
while, and we are reasonably confident that the state of the feature meets
the criteria to be merged onto trunk.

*Key Ideas*:

YARN’s centralized design allows strict enforcement of scheduling
invariants and effective resource sharing, but becomes a scalability
bottleneck (in number of jobs and nodes) well before reaching the scale of
our clusters (e.g., 20k-50k nodes).

To address these limitations, we developed a scale-out, federation-based
solution (YARN-2915). Our architecture scales near-linearly to datacenter
sized clusters, by partitioning nodes across multiple sub-clusters (each
running a YARN cluster of few thousands nodes). Applications can span
multiple sub-clusters *transparently (i.e. no code change or recompilation
of existing apps)*, thanks to a layer of indirection that negotiates with
multiple sub-clusters' Resource Managers on behalf of the application.

This design is structurally scalable, as it bounds the number of nodes each
RM is responsible for. Appropriate policies ensure that the majority of
applications reside within a single sub-cluster, thus further controlling
the load on each RM. This provides near linear scale-out by simply adding
more sub-clusters. The same mechanism enables pooling of resources from
clusters owned and operated by different teams.


    - The version we would like to merge to trunk is termed "MVP" (minimal
    viable product). The feature will have a complete end-to-end application
    execution flow with the ability to span a single application across
    multiple YARN (sub) clusters.
    - There were 50+ sub-tasks that were that were completed as part of this
    effort. Every patch has been reviewed and +1ed by a committer. Thanks to
    Jian, Wangda, Karthik, Vinod, Varun & Arun for the thorough reviews!
    - Federation is designed to be built around YARN and consequently has
    minimal code changes to core YARN. The relevant JIRAs that modify existing
    YARN code base are YARN-3671 [7] & YARN-3673 [8]. We also paid close
    attention to ensure that if federation is disabled there is zero impact to
    existing functionality (disabled by default).
    - We found a few bugs as we went along which we fixed directly upstream
    in trunk and/or branch-2.
    - We have continuously rebasing the feature branch [2] so the merge
    should be a straightforward cherry-pick.
    - The current version has been rather thoroughly tested and is currently
    deployed in a *10,000+ node federated YARN cluster that's running
    upwards of 50k jobs daily with a reliability of 99.9%*.
    - We have few ideas for follow-up extensions/improvements which are
    tracked in the umbrella JIRA YARN-5597[3].


    - Quick start guide (maven site) - YARN-6484[4].
    - Overall design doc[5] and the slide-deck [6] we used for our talk at
    Hadoop Summit 2016 is available in the umbrella jira - YARN-2915.


This is a group effort that could have not been possible without the ideas
and hard work of many other folks and we would like to specifically call
out Giovanni, Botong & Ellen for their invaluable contributions. Also big
thanks to the many folks in community  (Sriram, Kishore, Sarvesh, Jian,
Wangda, Karthik, Vinod, Varun, Inigo, Vrushali, Sangjin, Joep, Rohith and
many more) that helped us shape our ideas and code with very insightful
feedback and comments.

Subru & Carlo

[1] YARN-2915:
[3] YARN-5597:
[4] YARN-6484:
[7] YARN-3671:
[8] YARN-3673:

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