>       If it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, then it shouldn’t be on 
> port 53 by default.
Sure, I’ll change the default port to not use 53 and document it.
>       *how* is it getting launched on a privileged port? It sounds like the 
> expectation is to run “command” as root.   *ALL* of the previous daemons in 
> Hadoop that needed a privileged port used jsvc.  Why isn’t this one? These 
> questions matter from a security standpoint.  
Yes, it is running as “root” to be able to use the privileged port. The DNS 
server is not yet integrated with the hadoop script. 

> Check the output.  It’s pretty obviously borked:
Thanks for pointing out. Missed this when rebasing onto trunk.

> On Sep 5, 2017, at 3:11 PM, Allen Wittenauer <a...@effectivemachines.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2017, at 2:53 PM, Jian He <j...@hortonworks.com> wrote:
>>> Based on the documentation, this doesn’t appear to be a fully function DNS 
>>> server as an admin would expect (e.g., BIND, Knot, whatever).  Where’s 
>>> forwarding? How do I setup notify? Are secondaries even supported? etc, etc.
>> It seems like this is a rehash of some of the discussion you and others had 
>> on the JIRA. The DNS here is a thin layer backed by service registry. My 
>> understanding from the JIRA is that there are no claims that this is already 
>> a DNS with all the bells and whistles - its goal is mainly to expose dynamic 
>> services running on YARN as end-points. Clearly, this is an optional daemon, 
>> if the provided feature set is deemed insufficient, an alternative solution 
>> can be plugged in by specific admins because the DNS piece is completely 
>> decoupled from the rest of native-services. 
>       If it doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, then it shouldn’t be on 
> port 53 by default. It should also be documented that one *can’t* do these 
> things.  If the standard config is likely to be a “real” server on port 53 
> either acting as a secondary to the YARN one or at least able to forward 
> queries to it, then these need to get documented.  As it stands, operations 
> folks are going to be taken completely by surprise by some relatively random 
> process sitting on a very well established port.
>>> In fact:  was this even tested on port 53? How does this get launched such 
>>> that it even has access to open port 53?  I don’t see any calls to use the 
>>> secure daemon code in the shell scripts. Is there any jsvc voodoo or is it 
>>> just “run X as root”?
>> Yes, we have tested this DNS server on port 53 on a cluster by running the 
>> DNS server as root user. The port is clearly configurable, so the admin has 
>> two options. Run as root + port 53. Run as non-root + non-privileged port. 
>> We tested and left it as port 53 to keep it on a standard DNS port. It is 
>> already documented as such though I can see that part can be improved a 
>> little.
>       *how* is it getting launched on a privileged port? It sounds like the 
> expectation is to run “command” as root.   *ALL* of the previous daemons in 
> Hadoop that needed a privileged port used jsvc.  Why isn’t this one? These 
> questions matter from a security standpoint.  
>>>     4) Post-merge, yarn usage information is broken.  This is especially 
>>> bad since it doesn’t appear that YarnCommands was ever updated to include 
>>> the new sub-commands.
>> The “yarn” usage command is working for me. what do you mean ? 
> Check the output.  It’s pretty obviously borked:
> ===snip====
>    Daemon Commands:
> nodemanager          run a nodemanager on each worker
> proxyserver          run the web app proxy server
> resourcemanager      run the ResourceManager
> router               run the Router daemon
> timelineserver       run the timeline server
>    Run a service Commands:
> service              run a service
>    Run yarn-native-service rest server Commands:
> apiserver            run yarn-native-service rest server
> ===snip===
>> Yeah, looks like some previous features also forgot to update 
>> YarnCommands.md for the new sub commands 
>       Likely.  But I was actually interested in playing with this one to 
> compare it to the competition.  [Lucky you. ;) ]  But with pretty much zero 
> documentation….

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