*+1 binding.* reviewed binaries, source, artifacts in the staging maven repository in downstream builds. all good.
*## test run* checked out the asf github repo at commit 6da346a358c into a location already set up with aws and azure test credentials ran the hadoop-aws tests with -Dparallel-tests -DtestsThreadCount=6 -Dmarkers=delete -Dscale and hadoop-azure against azure cardiff with -Dparallel-tests=abfs -DtestsThreadCount=6 all happy *## binary* downloaded KEYS and imported, so adding your key to my list (also signed this and updated the key servers) downloaded rc tar and verified ``` > gpg2 --verify hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz.asc hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz gpg: Signature made Sat Jan 15 23:41:10 2022 GMT gpg: using RSA key DE7FA241EB298D027C97B2A1D8F1A97BE51ECA98 gpg: Good signature from "Chao Sun (CODE SIGNING KEY) <sunc...@apache.org>" [full] > cat hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz.sha512 SHA512 (hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz) = cdd3d9298ba7d6e63ed63f93c159729ea14d2b7d5e3a0640b1761c86c7714a721f88bdfa8cb1d8d3da316f616e4f0ceaace4f32845ee4441e6aaa7a12b8c647d > shasum -a 512 hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz cdd3d9298ba7d6e63ed63f93c159729ea14d2b7d5e3a0640b1761c86c7714a721f88bdfa8cb1d8d3da316f616e4f0ceaace4f32845ee4441e6aaa7a12b8c647d hadoop-3.3.2.tar.gz ``` *# cloudstore against staged artifacts* ``` cd ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/hadoop find . -name \*3.3.2\* -print | xargs rm -r ``` ensures no local builds have tainted the repo. in cloudstore mvn build without tests ``` mci -Pextra -Phadoop-3.3.2 -Psnapshots-and-staging ``` this fetches all from asf staging ``` Downloading from ASF Staging: https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-client/3.3.2/hadoop-client-3.3.2.pom Downloaded from ASF Staging: https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/hadoop/hadoop-client/3.3.2/hadoop-client-3.3.2.pom (11 kB at 20 kB/s) ``` there's no tests there, but it did audit the download process. FWIW, that project has switched to logback, so I now have all hadoop imports excluding slf4j and log4j. it takes too much effort right now. build works. tested abfs and s3a storediags, all happy *### google GCS against staged artifacts* gcs is now java 11 only, so I had to switch JVMs here. had to add a snapshots and staging profile, after which I could build and test. ``` -Dhadoop.three.version=3.3.2 -Psnapshots-and-staging ``` two test failures were related to auth failures where the tests were trying to raise exceptions but things failed differently ``` [ERROR] Failures: [ERROR] GoogleHadoopFileSystemTest.eagerInitialization_fails_withInvalidCredentialsConfiguration:122 unexpected exception type thrown; expected:<java.io.FileNotFoundException> but was:<java.lang.IllegalArgumentException> [ERROR] GoogleHadoopFileSystemTest.lazyInitialization_deleteCall_fails_withInvalidCredentialsConfiguration:100 value of: throwable.getMessage() expected: Failed to create GCS FS but was : A JSON key file may not be specified at the same time as credentials via configuration. ``` I'm not worried here. ran cloudstore's diagnostics against gcs. Nice to see they are now collecting IOStatistics on their input streams. we really need to get this collected through the parquet/orc libs and then through the query engines. ``` > bin/hadoop jar $CLOUDSTORE storediag gs://stevel-london/ ... 2022-01-20 17:52:47,447 [main] INFO diag.StoreDiag (StoreDurationInfo.java:<init>(56)) - Starting: Reading a file gs://stevel-london/dir-9cbfc774-76ff-49c0-b216-d7800369c3e1/file input stream summary: org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream@6cfd9a54: com.google.cloud.hadoop.fs.gcs.GoogleHadoopFSInputStream@78c1372d{counters=((stream_read_close_operations=1) (stream_read_seek_backward_operations=0) (stream_read_total_bytes=7) (stream_read_bytes=7) (stream_read_exceptions=0) (stream_read_seek_operations=0) (stream_read_seek_bytes_skipped=0) (stream_read_operations=3) (stream_read_bytes_backwards_on_seek=0) (stream_read_seek_forward_operations=0) (stream_read_operations_incomplete=1)); gauges=(); minimums=(); maximums=(); means=(); } ... ``` *### source* once I'd done builds and tests which fetched from staging, I did a local build and test repeated download/validate of source tarball, unzip/untar build with java11. I've not done the test run there, because that directory tree doesn't have the credentials, and this mornings run was good. altogether then: very happy. tests good, downstream libraries building and linking. On Wed, 19 Jan 2022 at 17:50, Chao Sun <sunc...@apache.org> wrote: > Hi all, > > I've put together Hadoop 3.3.2 RC2 below: > > The RC is available at: > http://people.apache.org/~sunchao/hadoop-3.3.2-RC2/ > The RC tag is at: > https://github.com/apache/hadoop/releases/tag/release-3.3.2-RC2 > The Maven artifacts are staged at: > https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehadoop-1332 > > You can find my public key at: > https://downloads.apache.org/hadoop/common/KEYS > > I've done the following tests and they look good: > - Ran all the unit tests > - Started a single node HDFS cluster and tested a few simple commands > - Ran all the tests in Spark using the RC2 artifacts > > Please evaluate the RC and vote, thanks! > > Best, > Chao >