
Szilard Nemeth updated YARN-8257:
    Target Version/s:   (was: 3.1.4)

> Native service should automatically adding escapes for environment/launch cmd 
> before sending to YARN
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: YARN-8257
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YARN-8257
>             Project: Hadoop YARN
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: yarn-native-services
>            Reporter: Wangda Tan
>            Assignee: Gour Saha
>            Priority: Critical
> Noticed this issue while using native service: 
> Basically, when a string for environment / launch command contains chars like 
> ", /, `: it needs to be escaped twice.
> The first time is from json spec, because of json accept double quote only, 
> it needs an escape.
> The second time is from launch container, what we did for command line is: 
> (ContainerLaunch.java)
> {code:java}
> line("exec /bin/bash -c \"", StringUtils.join(" ", command), "\"");{code}
> And for environment:
> {code:java}
> line("export ", key, "=\"", value, "\"");{code}
> An example of launch_command: 
> {code:java}
> "launch_command": "export CLASSPATH=\\`\\$HADOOP_HDFS_HOME/bin/hadoop 
> classpath --glob\\`"{code}
> And example of environment:
> {code:java}
> "TF_CONFIG" : "{\\\"cluster\\\": {\\\"master\\\": 
> [\\\"master-0.distributed-tf.ambari-qa.tensorflow.site:8000\\\"], \\\"ps\\\": 
> [\\\"ps-0.distributed-tf.ambari-qa.tensorflow.site:8000\\\"], \\\"worker\\\": 
> [\\\"worker-0.distributed-tf.ambari-qa.tensorflow.site:8000\\\"]}, 
> \\\"task\\\": {\\\"type\\\":\\\"${COMPONENT_NAME}\\\", 
> \\\"index\\\":${COMPONENT_ID}}, \\\"environment\\\":\\\"cloud\\\"}",{code}
> To improve usability, I think we should auto escape the input string once. 
> (For example, if user specified 
> {code}
> "TF_CONFIG": "\"key\""
> {code}
> We will automatically escape it to:
> {code}
> "TF_CONFIG": \\\"key\\\"
> {code}

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