
Am Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2014 schrieb Ancor Gonzalez Sosa:
> And finally the last step.
> http://ancorgs.github.io/yast-journalctl-tutorial/step7.html

Interesting tutorial, thanks a lot for writing it!

One interesting point to add would be: How many hours did you need for 
writing the code you describe in the tutorial? (Including the time for 
reading documentation etc.)

I don't expect an exact answer like "20 hours 42 minutes and 10 
seconds", but a rough number would be interesting.


Christian Boltz

PS: Please don't expect me to write YaST modules in the future.
    I already have (more than) enough stuff on my TODO list, and don't 
    want to learn another programming language.

> bei Bernd ist alles Zufall.
Glaubst Du nicht, dass da Kristallkugel.pl zugeschlagen hat? Ich bin mir
sicher, dass Bernd sowas auf seinem Rechner hat ;-)
[> Michael Schulz u. Manfred Tremmel über Bernd Brodesser in suse-linux]

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