
it turned out that the skelcd-control-openSUSE version got stuck at 42.3.99.x
which is quite old in Tumbleweed. And because the current version schema
does not make much sense for Tumbleweed it has been changed to the date based
version, e.g. "20181113", similar to the Tumbleweed release versioning.

I have adapted the "rake version:bump" task there to reflect this change, if 
you use
that task the version upgrade workflow will be the same as for the other YaST 

The task uses the current date, if that date is already present it adds a 
version, e.g. "20181113" => "20181113.1" => "20181113.2" ...
The next day it will start again from "20181114".

Note: It uses the UTC time to avoid possible conflicts when running it by 
in different time zones. So in some cases the new version might not exactly 
your local date, but don't worry, it's OK :-)

See the details at https://github.com/yast/skelcd-control-openSUSE/pull/150.

Ladislav Slezák
YaST Developer

SUSE LINUX, s.r.o.
Corso IIa
Křižíkova 148/34
18600 Praha 8
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