Sorry for not making this a real reply. I wasn't subscribed when you first posted.

John Tropea wrote:
Is there a plan to offer search feeds?

I hope so.  That sounds pretty cool.

Also since "Tag:searching" returns items where ever the characters appear, and not the exact phrase...kind of like CTRL-F, is there a way to see a list
of tags before the results screen. ie sort your results by tag.

That also sounds interesting, but there's currently no way to do it.

Tag queries use stemming, so a search for tag:searching will find tags like "search", "searching", and "searches". It won't find, I dunno, "websearchfoo". If it does, that would be a bug, and I'd like to know.

I guess an exact phrase search would also be good anyway

Phrase searches are possible using quotes around phrases. The query parser can't deal with tag: inside quoted phrases, however. "tag:search" with the quotes around it would be equivalent to "tag search".

I hear you can use AND searching, which is already available for tags
(intersection)...can you use NOT, and OR for general searching, and for
tag:searching, or for a combo of both

I'm pretty sure you can mix and match tags and regular text searches. Our blog discusses the query syntax in a little more detail:

Also is there a plan for full-text search like Raw Sugar, Simpy, Furl,
Spurl, etc...

I'm not sure I understand the question. Search terms that aren't "tag:" prefixed will already match against the full description and extended text of your bookmarks.

Rocco Caputo - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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