Tim Regan <> wrote:
> in how a group might use del.icio.us? I think one straightforward way
> would be for the team to choose a tag and each member use that tag
> when posting links that would be of interest to the whole team. But
> this is open to pollution if other del.icio.us members start using the
> same tag for other reasons of their own.         
> Have people tried using del.icio.us for such team based scenarios? Is
> there a built in feature for this? What are your experiences? 

Register a user, say MyAcademicGroup, and have everyone use
for:MyAcademicGroup as a tag.  People outside the group would have
little reason to tag things to this user's attention, so it should
remain relatively spam-free.  I haven't used for: tags extensively, but
this seems a natural application for them.

Tim Larson        AMT2 Unix Systems Administrator
    InterCall, a division of West Corporation

               Eschew obfuscation!

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