I think someone posted a query on how to get the format error in 
/proc/cpuinfo mails to root to stop. If you replace 
/etc/cron.hourly/mcelog.cron with:


if echo $0|grep -q -e "-new_\|-old_"; then
         exit 0;

# Check for x86 arch
ARCH=`uname -m`
case "${ARCH}" in
         (i386 | i486 | i586 | i686)
                 /usr/sbin/mcelog --ignorenodev --filter >> /var/log/mcelog
                 exit 0

Note the /usr/sbin/mcelog line is possibly being wrapped by the mailer. 
Don't forget execute permissions. And match the old file ownership. I 
did not check to see if mcelog could be built to support PowerPC machine 


If I run:

r-970 -b4 -s1|bzip2 -9v|dd bs=4b count=400000 of=/dev/null

251610+148390 records in
251610+148390 records out
667248640 bytes (667 MB) copied, 714.568 seconds, 934 kB/s

r-970 is a program that spews out random numbers. The -b4 sets the block 
size to 4 512 byte blocks. I do a setvbuf() to set the stream buffer in 
the code.

Notice the x+y records in/out message from dd. On ALL other platforms I 
have run this, y is 0 like it is supposed to be (various x86, YDL 4).

Also, this is on a dual 2.5 GHz G5. Takes about 12 minutes. When I first 
start it the cpu fans start running at high speed. Within 2 minutes they 
slow back down. This normal? This is one of the water cooled beasts.


Which brings me to my next question:

For some reason last week I found myself searching the web for horror 
stories about toasted G5s from leaking cooling systems. How do I go 
about checking for leaks? I can't seem to figure out how to get this 
snazzy looking cover off? My "radiator" resembles an air conditioner 
heat exchanger more than an automotive radiator (Panasonic vs Delphi LCS?).

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