Thanks and yes that's funny.  I got a science fiction novel somewhere in
a lost directory.  And yes, I guess that is one problem matching my love
of languages with a job that'll pay me to utilize that skill to great
effect to the benefit of an employer.  Each language (like music) is an
expression of color which can be presented as wonderfully as the rainbow
- so why not utilize the unique beautiful structure of each language?  I
have a surprise for you Kai, I picked up that last tidbit from my C
programming instructor, not an English lit scholar.  So yes, I can get
into the poetry of coding, or music or ... one of my other favorite
subjects molecular orbital structural analysis.

Hmm... I thought I was to the point.  You mean I wasn't - I wrote a
novelette instead?  Really?  No kidding?

Shucks.  Oh well...  I confess.  Mea culpa, mea culpa ... (Latin for "my
fault")  By the way Kai, would anyone you know be interested in
displaying a segfault message/warning in Latin? :-)

Kai Staats wrote:
> Derick --Holy cow! If you were writing in the days where people were paid per 
> word, you'd be rich :)
>> Yes, indeedy John, you got it.  Keep in mind that the sources are the
>> base release so that if you tweak or modify it to your needs you are
>> pretty much working on your own.  Also other things are involved if you
>> want to share whatever those changes are as stipulated in the GPL;
>> procedures which could be tedious to the uninitiated.
>> It may be easier and more consistent in keeping with how the official
>> releases and other changes by allowing yum to do updates and installs of
>> modifications, etc.
>> Although it is unlikely that any updates yum makes may conflict with any
>> changes to the kernel source you make - in Linux, as in most things
>> nothing is impossible.
>> Just be aware that if something weird is going on you'll have to
>> consider whatever modifications of the kernel you built as a potential
>> culprit.  It may not be, of course, but the complexity of Linux is such
>> that this can never be completely ruled out.  The advantage, and not a
>> small one in my mind, of YDL is that it is managed by a company with a
>> great track record of paying attention to these details and their
>> releases work.
>> However, when we, as individuals choose to change the source, we are
>> very much on our own.  To my mind this is the advantage of Linux in the
>> first place.  In past generations it was a source of pride and mastery
>> to successfully repair, modify and enhance one's own car.  Today, I
>> believe this experience/expression of individual skill has passed onto
>> exist within the realm of Linux.  In my view one can make this into an
>> Art, just as valued as the Arts of Music, Literature, etc.
>> Years ago, when I was interested in making changes to the YDL kernel,
>> and did so - I always kept this potential for something going wrong in
>> mind.  Maybe it remains an extreme view, but I find it useful to keep in
>> mind especially when changing kernel services or adding new ones.
>> I wish you the best success in your endeavors.
>> All the best...
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