John Goche wrote:
I have been having some trouble posting this message to the yellowdog
general mailing list. This is my 4th attempt. I hope it goes through this

I have ordered a PS3/fixstars with yellowdog linux 6.1 installed. I would
like to use it with the composite cable that comes in the box. Never mind
the graphics, I would be happy to simply utilize it in textmode (on
redhatlinux/fedora this can be achieved by pressing CTRL-ALT-F1) from the
graphical login screen.

If possible, I would like to boot into textmode directly from the kboot
boot-loader by passing a bootstring to the loader.
Have you read the video how-to guides at:

Furthermore, I presume I will need to know the root password since the PS3
which I have purchased came with linux pre-installed. Does anyone know what
this password is or how I can obtain it?

I would also like to know whether upon booting yellowdoglinux, the PS3 will
connect to my wireless home network.  Presumably, in order for it to
connect, I would have to supply it with, at a minimum the SSID-network name
to connect to the wireless reuter. Is it possible to perform this operation
from the command line?

Many thanks,

John Goche


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