On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 7:09 AM, Kai Staats <k...@overthesun.com> wrote:
> As a former employee of Fixstars and huge fan of YDL on the PS3, I
> offer this link with all due respect to both Sony and GeoHot:
> http://arstechnica.com/gaming/news/2010/01/three-years-later-the-ps3-gets-hacked.ars

Now, I am wondering

(1) when we will be able to actually run unsigned code on the ps3

(2) if (1) is realized, who will rewrite the kernel (and I also would
say drivers of course) to run on an un-hypervisor-abstracted ps3...

(3) how easy/practical (1) and in fact (2) actually is...and if it
will ever actually happen.

Sadly. I honestly do not believe all that much will actually happen. I
hope I am wrong about this.

I hope we will have other interesting things to play with soon,
however. The new out-of-order ARM derivatives from NVIDIA look
particulary interesting. I wonder if they catch on on mobile phones
and netbooks will they ever start appearing on the desktop.

Robert Spykerman

chown -R us ./base
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