YP AB Intermittent failures meeting

Attendees: Richard, Trevor, Randy, Saul, AlexB


People have been busy with other work so this is mostly a duplicate
of the previous minutes with some cyptic? IRC chat logs added below.

Ptest results continue to improve yet again but there's still room
for even more improvement.

Alex made a graph of the number of AB INT issues per week:
We assume that week 15, 16 was when the RCU bug in he kernel
started being a problem and week 29 was when it go fixed but
more careful analysis is required.

The make/ninja load average limit is in but it's not clear
if it's effective yet and it breaks dunfell.
Trevor has a build of dunfell that with some patches appears to work.

If anyone wants to help, we could use more eyes on the logs,
particularly the summary logs and understanding iostat #
when the dd test times out.

Plans for the week:

     Richard: M1
     Alex: look into Rest API for BZ as part of Triage.
     Sakib: hook more responsive load average in to latency test. (v3)
          : Add PSI (/proc/pressure/*) when available
     Trevor: No AB work
     Saul: No AB work
     Randy: PSI, simple experiments to learn what's 'normal',
            make some PSI graphs!

Idea: bitbake/make/ninja use /proc/pressure to throttle builds?


Meeting Notes:

Cryptic notes this week since I don't have time for a proper summary!

[09:01] <vmeson> Agenda Items?
[09:01] <vmeson> 1. PSI /proc/pressure
   see: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/accounting/psi.html

[09:01] <vmeson> 2. Status of AB
[09:02] <vmeson> 3. Randy promises valgrind patches (again!).


Randy explained what the PSI proc data was and
how overloaded ubuntu2004-ty-2.yocto.io was for most of a 25 hour
logging window. Typical high load data is:


some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=1.12 total=8891584119

some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=1.00 total=8891596517

some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.90 total=8891613258

some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.81 total=8891631326


some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=237120503

full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=194500170

some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=237121370

full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=194500170


some avg10=65.22 avg60=56.24 avg300=40.82 total=142092410628

full avg10=65.22 avg60=56.23 avg300=40.28 total=134090291475

some avg10=48.50 avg60=52.56 avg300=41.42 total=142106526703

full avg10=48.50 avg60=52.56 avg300=40.93 total=134104406782

This is just:
  for i in pressure.cpu pressure.memory  pressure.io; do \
    echo $i; tail -4 $i; \

There are two lines per call for some of the /proc/pressure files:
$ wc -l pressure*

   3000 pressure.cpu

   6000 pressure.io

   6000 pressure.memory

Looking at the max io load for the times when the 'full' system
is overloaded:

$ grep full pressure.io | cat -n > pressure.io-full.numbered
$ sed -e 's/=/ /g' pressure.io-full.numbered | sort -k 4 -n | tail -2
  1710  full avg10 97.52 avg60 93.85 avg300 92.29 total 124322928244

  1699  full avg10 97.57 avg60 93.16 avg300 91.36 total 124015261496

# make a link so we have *full.numbered files for each subsystem:
$ ln -s pressure.cpu.numbered pressure.cpu-ful.numbered

$ for i in pressure.cpu pressure.memory  pressure.io; do \
     echo $i; egrep ' 1710| 1699' $i-full.numbered; \


  1699  some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=7340981927

  1710  some avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=7341522636


  1699  full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=131800420

  1710  full avg10=0.00 avg60=0.00 avg300=0.00 total=131800502


  1699  full avg10=97.57 avg60=93.16 avg300=91.36 total=124015261496

  1710  full avg10=97.52 avg60=93.85 avg300=92.29 total=124322928244

Conclusion, no cpu, memory contention, lots of IO -- clean-up or ???

[09:22] <vmeson> read-only YP BZ database query to find "AB-INT" build failures, find build and highlight in "non-release" AB build summary.
[09:23] <vmeson> add /proc/pressure info to test results logs.

Sakib and I may do this, else Alex in January

[09:24] <vmeson> network access: weird AB bugs: DNS or connextion failure, at times even qemu net connection fails! [09:26] <vmeson> systemd-networkd at times monitors and maybe even changes (if up/down?) tap interfaces

This seems to be hard-coded, mandatory behaviour in systemd managed

[09:26] <vmeson> Test system, start / stop qemu instances in a loop.
[09:29] <vmeson> say: 16 qemus booting core-image-minimal and doing a simple test such as a network connection (download curl), along with stress --mumble-args to load the host sytem to simulate a build. [09:30] <abelloni> vmeson: https://bugzilla.yoctoproject.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14467
[09:32] <vmeson> use rest API to query the bugzilla -- where's the API?
[09:33] <abelloni> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Bugzilla:REST_API
[09:33] <abelloni> I'll have a look at that
[09:37] <RP> "BzAPI is an alternate, deprecated REST API" - that will be ours as we're not on bz5 yet

Notes from previous meeting which are largely still relevant.

1. job server

- ninja could be patched with make's more responsive algorithm
     next or is this good enough?

   Aug 26:
   Randy made some graphs that show that the -l NUM results
   in the number of compile jobs oscillates *wildly* between 0 and 200
   on a 192 core builder compiling chromium. What I did was:
   $ bitbake -c cleansstate chromium-x11
   $ bitbake -c configure chromium-x11
   $ bitbake -c compile chromium-x11
   and while that compile was running:
   $ while [ ! -f /tmp/compiling-chromium-is-done ]; do \
        cat /proc/loadavg >> procs-load.log   ; sleep 0.5 ;
   Results so far:
   Next step is either:
   a. collect data as above for an image build and see if the sub-optimal
      ninja behaviour makes a difference
   b. patch ninja with make's more responsive load avg

- Richard suggested that we extract make's code for measuring the load
     average to a separate binary and run it in the periodic io latency
     test. Also can we translate it to python?
     - Trevor is working on this and had some problems so next week.
       (Aug 19 - Trevor is back from vaction so maybe next week.)

- Trevor to see if the load average change really did reduce load
   on WR build systems. (Aug 19)

2. AB status

      Trevor is learning about buildbot and working on a scheduling bug
      (CentOS worker?)

      bitbake layer setup tool should allow multiple backends:
        eg: kas, a y-a-helper.

      ptest cases are improving, we may be close to done!
      Let's wait a week to see how things go.
      (July29, Aug 5, Aug 19,  we're not done...)

      - lttng-tools ptest is failing. RP is working on it with upstream.
        The timeout (done on Aug 5) increase hasn't helped.

3. Sakib's improvements to the logging are merged.

      Sakib generated a summary of all high latency 'top' logs from
      ~July 23->July 29 by just running his summary script on the
      merged raw top logs.

     More analysis required....

Still relevant parts of
Previous Meeting Notes:

4. bitbake server timeout ( no change july 29, Aug 19, Oct 7)

      "Timeout while waiting for a reply from the bitbake server (60s)"

5. io stalls (no update: July 29, Oct 7)

      Richard said that it would make sense to write an ftrace utility
      / script to monitor io latency and we could install it with sudo
      Ch^W mentioned ftrace on IRC.
      Sakib and Randy will work on that but not for a week or two
      or longer! (Aug 19).

      Randy collected iostat data on 3 build server:
      We agreed that having -ty-2 be ~ 100 utilization for many hours
      in a row is not acceptable and that a threshold of ~ 10 minutes
      at 100% utilization may be a reasonable limt. I need to figure out
      if I can get data on the fraction of IO done per IO clas since
      we do use ionice to do clean-up and other activities.


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