Signed-off-by: Richard Purdie <>
---            |  17 +-
 TODO                 |   2 -
 lib/      |   0
 lib/          | 210 -------------------------
 reporters/ | 361 -------------------------------------------          |   6 -
 6 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 591 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 lib/
 delete mode 100644 lib/
 delete mode 100644 reporters/

diff --git a/ b/
index 1d976aa0..8b97dd5a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,16 +26,14 @@ yocto-autobuilder-helper script parameters.
 ### Code layout
 - []( -- configures the builders with minimal 
buildsteps to invoke the yocto-autobuilder-helper scripts
-- lib/
-  - [](lib/ -- implements some mediawiki related functionality 
as used by the wikilog plugin
-  - [](reporters/ -- our custom plugin to write info on 
build failures to a wiki page
+  - [](reporters/ -- our custom plugin to write info on 
build failures to a swatbot instance
 - steps/
   - [](steps/ -- write the user supplied 
(or default) repos to a JSON file for use by the scripts
 - []( -- goal is to contain all values that might need 
changing to redeploy this code elsewhere. Goal hasn't yet been met.
 - [master.cfg](master.cfg) -- calls into other scripts to do most 
configuration. Cluster specific config still lives here (i.e. controller url).
 - []( -- sets up the force schedulers with controls 
for modifying inputs for each builder.
-- []( -- configures irc, mail and wikilog reporters.
+- []( -- configures irc, mail and swatbot reporters.
 - []( -- configures the worker objects
 - []( -- sets up the web UI
@@ -50,14 +48,9 @@ yocto-autobuilder[2].
 custom buildset to iterate the repo_, branch_, and commit_ properties set by
 the schedulers and write a JSON file with the user's values.
-### WikiLog reporter
-[reporters/](reporters/ -- a buildbot service to listen
-for build failures and write some information on them to the configured wiki
-[lib/](lib/ -- some helper functions for the wiki plugin, much
-of this code can be replaced by porting the plugin to be a
-buildbot.util.service.HTTPClient implementation
+### Swatbot reporter
+[reporters/](reporters/ -- a buildbot service to listen
+for build failures and write some information on them to the swatbot instance 
 ## Deployment
 The following deployment steps assume that the target system has a copy of
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index d43bfeed..47b5f58b 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
  * Add nightly-checkuri
- * Add wikilog link on console page
  * per worker auth ( &
  * Add IRC notifier ( [Michael]
  * add mail notification functionality to yocto-autobuilder-helper, it already
    knows how to iterate error reports. (
  * Simple script to start buildbot controller, janitor and PRServer [Michael]
  * Look into allowed_origins property of built in web server
- * switch wikilog to buildbot.util.service.HTTPClient?
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29b..00000000
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e14ae6..00000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-Created on Dec 13, 2016
-__author__ = "Joshua Lock"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright 2016, Intel Corp."
-__credits__ = ["Joshua Lock"]
-import codecs
-import hashlib
-import time
-import requests
-from twisted.python import log
-class YPWiki(object):
-    MAX_TRIES = 5
-    TIMEOUT = 60
-    def __init__(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass):
-        self.wiki_uri = wiki_uri
-        self.wiki_un = wiki_un
-        self.wiki_pass = wiki_pass
-    @staticmethod
-    def retry_request(requesturl, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Rather than failing when a request to a 'requesturl' throws an
-        exception retry again a minute later. Perform this retry no more than
-        5 times.
-        @type   requesturl:  string
-        """
-        kwargs['timeout'] = YPWiki.TIMEOUT
-        def try_request():
-            try:
-                req = requests.get(requesturl, **kwargs)
-                return req
-            except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
-                    requests.exceptions.Timeout):
-                return None
-        tries = 0
-        req = None
-        while not req and tries < YPWiki.MAX_TRIES:
-            if tries > 0:
-                time.sleep(60)
-            req = try_request()
-            tries = tries + 1
-        return req
-    @staticmethod
-    def parse_json(response):
-        """
-        This method handles stripping UTF-8 BOM from the beginning of responses
-        from the Yocto Project wiki.
-        @type   response:   requests.Response
-        """
-        bom = codecs.BOM_UTF8
-        text = ''
-        # In Requests 0.8.2 (Ubuntu 12.04) Response.content has type unicode,
-        # whereas in requests 2.1.10 (Fedora 23) Response.content is a str
-        # Ensure that bom is the same type as the content, codecs.BOM_UTF8 is
-        # a str
-        # If we discover a BOM set the encoding appropriately so that the
-        # built in decoding routines in requests work correctly.
-        if response.content.startswith(bom):
-            response.encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
-        return response.json()
-    def login(self):
-        """
-        Login to the wiki and return cookies for the logged in session
-        """
-        payload = {
-            'action': 'login',
-            'lgname': self.wiki_un,
-            'lgpassword': self.wiki_pass,
-            'utf8': '',
-            'format': 'json'
-        }
-        try:
-            req1 =, data=payload,
-                                 timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
-        except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
-                requests.exceptions.Timeout):
-            return None
-        parsed = self.parse_json(req1)
-        login_token = parsed['login']['token'].encode('utf-8')
-        payload['lgtoken'] = login_token
-        try:
-            req2 =, data=payload,
-                                 cookies=req1.cookies, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
-        except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
-                requests.exceptions.Timeout):
-            return None
-        return req2.cookies.copy()
-    def get_content(self, wiki_page):
-        """
-        Get the current content of the 'wiki_page' -- to make the wiki page
-        as useful as possible the most recent log entry should be at the top,
-        to that end we need to edit the whole page so that we can insert the
-        new entry after the log but before the other entries.
-        This method fetches the current page content, splits out the blurb and
-        returns a pair:
-        1) the blurb
-        2) the current entries
-        @type   wiki_page:  string
-        """
-        pm = '?format=json&action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&titles='
-        req = self.retry_request(self.wiki_uri+pm+wiki_page)
-        if not req:
-            return None, None
-        parsed = self.parse_json(req)
-        pageid = sorted(parsed['query']['pages'].keys())[-1]
-        blurb, entries, footer = "\n", "", "\n==Archived Logs=="
-        if 'revisions' in parsed['query']['pages'][pageid]:
-            content = parsed['query']['pages'][pageid]['revisions'][0]['*']
-            blurb, entries = content.split('==', 1)
-            # ensure we keep only a single newline after the blurb
-            blurb = blurb.strip() + "\n"
-            entries = '==' + entries
-            try:
-                entries, footer = entries.rsplit('\n==Archived Logs==', 1)
-                footer = '\n==Archived Logs==' + footer
-            except ValueError:
-                pass
-        return blurb, entries, footer
-    def post_entry(self, wiki_page, content, summary, cookies):
-        """
-        Post the new page contents 'content' to  the page title 'wiki_page'
-        with a 'summary' using the login credentials from 'cookies'
-        @type   wiki_page:  string
-        @type   content:    string
-        @type   summary:    string
-        @type   cookies:    CookieJar
-        """
-        params = ("?format=json&action=query&prop=info|revisions"
-                  "&intoken=edit&rvprop=timestamp&titles=")
-        req = self.retry_request(self.wiki_uri+params+wiki_page,
-                                 cookies=cookies)
-        if not req:
-            return False
-        parsed = self.parse_json(req)
-        pageid = sorted(parsed['query']['pages'].keys())[-1]
-        edit_token = parsed['query']['pages'][pageid]['edittoken']
-        edit_cookie = cookies.copy()
-        edit_cookie.update(req.cookies)
-        content = content.encode('utf-8')
-        content_hash = hashlib.md5(content).hexdigest()
-        payload = {
-            'action': 'edit',
-            'assert': 'user',
-            'title': wiki_page,
-            'summary': summary,
-            'text': content,
-            'md5': content_hash,
-            'token': edit_token,
-            'utf8': '',
-            'format': 'json'
-        }
-        try:
-            req =, data=payload,
-                                cookies=edit_cookie, timeout=self.TIMEOUT)
-        except (requests.exceptions.RequestException,
-                requests.exceptions.Timeout):
-            return False
-        if not req.status_code ==
-            log.err("Unexpected status code %s received when trying to post"
-                    " an entry to the wiki." % req.status_code)
-            return False
-        else:
-            result = self.parse_json(req)
-            status = result.get('edit', {}).get('result', '')
-            if status == 'Success':
-                return True
-            return False
diff --git a/reporters/ b/reporters/
deleted file mode 100644
index ff43e9df..00000000
--- a/reporters/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,361 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
-from buildbot.reporters import utils
-from buildbot.util import service
-from twisted.internet import defer, threads
-from twisted.python import log
-from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS, WARNINGS, FAILURE, SKIPPED, 
-from import YPWiki
-import time
-import pprint
-import re
-monitored_parents = ['a-full', 'a-quick']
-class WikiLog(service.BuildbotService):
-    name = "WikiLog"
-    wiki = None
-    # wantPreviousBuilds wantLogs
-    neededDetails = dict(wantProperties=True, wantSteps=True)
-    wikiLock = None
-    def checkConfig(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass, wiki_page,
-                    identifier=None, **kwargs):
-        service.BuildbotService.checkConfig(self)
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def reconfigService(self, wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass, wiki_page,
-                        identifier=None, **kwargs):
-        yield service.BuildbotService.reconfigService(self)
-        self.wiki_page = wiki_page
-        self.identifier = None
-        self.idstring = ""
-        if identifier:
-            self.identifier = identifier.replace(" ", "-")
-            self.idstring = " on " + self.identifier
- = YPWiki(wiki_uri, wiki_un, wiki_pass)
-        self.wikiLock = defer.DeferredLock()
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def startService(self):
-        yield service.BuildbotService.startService(self)
-        startConsuming =
-        self._buildCompleteConsumer = yield startConsuming(
-            self.buildFinished,
-            ('builds', None, 'finished'))
-        self._buildStartedConsumer = yield startConsuming(
-            self.buildStarted,
-            ('builds', None, 'new'))
-    def stopService(self):
-        self._buildCompleteConsumer.stopConsuming()
-        self._buildStartedConsumer.stopConsuming()
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def buildStarted(self, key, build):
-        yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, 
-        #log.err("wkl: buildStarted %s %s" % (key, pprint.pformat(build)))
-        # Only place initial entries in the wiki for builds with no parents
-        if not build['buildset']['parent_buildid']:
-            # Only log full/quick builds on the wiki log
-            if build['builder']['name'] not in monitored_parents:
-                return
-            yield self.wikiLock.acquire()
-            try:
-                result = yield threads.deferToThread(self.logBuild, build)
-            finally:
-                self.wikiLock.release()
-            if not result:
-                log.err("wkl: Failed to log build %s on %s" % (
-                    build['buildid'], build['builder']['name']))
-    # Assume we only have a parent, doesn't handle builds nested more than one 
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def buildFinished(self, key, build):
-        yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, build, 
-        #log.err("wkl: buildFinished %s %s" % (key, pprint.pformat(build)))
-        parent = None
-        if build['buildset']['parent_buildid']:
-            parent = yield"builds", 
-            yield utils.getDetailsForBuild(self.master, parent, 
-        # Only run the logging code for builds in the monitored_parents list, 
or builds with
-        # failures (to try and cut down on wiki noise)
-        havelog = False
-        headerpresent = False
-        if build['results'] in [FAILURE, EXCEPTION, WARNINGS]:
-            havelog = True
-        if (parent and parent['builder']['name'] in monitored_parents) or \
-                (build['builder']['name'] in monitored_parents):
-            havelog = True
-            headerpresent = True
-        if not havelog:
-            return
-        if not headerpresent:
-            yield self.wikiLock.acquire()
-            try:
-                result = yield threads.deferToThread(self.logBuild, build)
-            finally:
-                self.wikiLock.release()
-            if not result:
-                log.err("wkl: Failed to log build failure %s on %s" % (
-                    build['buildid'], build['builder']['name']))
-                return
-        entry = yield self.getEntry(build, parent)
-        yield self.wikiLock.acquire()
-        try:
-            update = yield threads.deferToThread(self.updateBuild, build, 
parent, entry)
-        finally:
-            self.wikiLock.release()
-        if not update:
-            log.err("wkl: Failed to update wikilog with build %s failure" %
-                    build['buildid'])
-    def logBuild(self, build):
-        """
-        Extract information about 'build' and post an entry to the wiki
-        @type   build:
-        """
-        log.err("wkl: logbuild %s" % (build))
-        builder = build['builder']['name']
-        reason = "No reason given"
-        if 'reason' in build['properties'] and 
-            reason = build['properties']['reason'][0]
-        buildid = build['buildid']
-        start = build['started_at']
-        url = build['url']
-        buildbranch = build['properties']['branch_poky'][0]
-        chash = build['properties']['commit_poky'][0]
-        if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD":
-            chash = "YP_CHASH"
-        forcedby = "Unknown"
-        if 'owner' in build['properties']:
-            forcedby = build['properties']['owner'][0]
-        starttime = start.ctime()
-        sectionfmt = '==[{} {} {} - {} {}{}]=='
-        section_title = sectionfmt.format(url, builder, buildid, buildbranch, 
chash, self.idstring)
-        summaryfmt = 'Adding new BuildLog entry for build %s (%s)'
-        summary = summaryfmt % (buildid, chash)
-        summary = summary + self.idstring
-        content = '<div id="' + str(buildid) + '"></div>\n'
-        content = content + "* '''Build ID''' - %s" % chash
-        content = content + self.idstring
-        content = content + '\n* Started at: %s\n' % starttime
-        content = content + '* ' + forcedby + '\n* ' + reason + '\n'
-        new_entry = '{}\n{}\n'.format(section_title, content)
-        blurb, entries, footer =
-        if not blurb:
-            log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!")
-            return False
-        content = blurb + new_entry + entries + footer
-        cookies =
-        if not cookies:
-            log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
-            return False
-        post =, content, summary, cookies)
-        if not post:
-            log.err("wkl: Failed to post entry for %s" % buildid)
-            return False
-        log.msg("wkl: Posting wikilog entry for %s" % buildid)
-        return True
-    def updateEntryBuildInfo(self, entry, title, build):
-        """
-        Extract the branch and commit hash from the properties of the 'build'
-        and update the 'entry' string with extracted values
-        @type   entry: string
-        @type   build:
-        """
-        chash = None
-        if "yp_build_revision" in build['properties']:
-            chash = build['properties']['yp_build_revision'][0]
-        if not chash or len(chash) < 1 or chash == "HEAD":
-            chash = "YP_CHASH"
-        new_entry = entry.replace("YP_CHASH", chash, 2)
-        new_title = title.replace("YP_CHASH", chash, 2)
-        return new_entry, new_title
-    @defer.inlineCallbacks
-    def getEntry(self, build, parent):
-        """
-        Extract information about 'build' and update an entry in the wiki
-        @type   build:
-        """
-        if not parent:
-            parent = build
-        url = build['url']
-        buildid = build['buildid']
-        builder = build['builder']['name']
-        log_entries = []
-        logentry = ""
-        for s in build['steps']:
-            # Ignore logs for steps which succeeded/cancelled
-            result = s['results']
-            if result in (SUCCESS, RETRY, CANCELLED, SKIPPED):
-                continue
-            #if result == WARNINGS:
-            #    # ignore warnings for log purposes for now
-            #    continue
-            # Log for FAILURE, EXCEPTION
-            step_name = s['name']
-            step_number = s['number']
-            logs = yield"steps", s['stepid'], 'logs'))
-            logs = list(logs)
-            logstring = []
-            for l in logs:
-                log_url = '%s/steps/%s/logs/%s' % (url, step_number, l['name'])
-                logstring.append('[%s %s]' % (log_url, l['name']))
-            logs = ' '.join(logstring)
-            logentry = logentry + '\n* [%s %s] %s failed: %s' % (url, builder, 
step_name, logs)
-        return logentry
-    def updateBuild(self, build, parent, logentry):
-        if not parent:
-            parent = build
-        buildid = build['buildid']
-        builder = build['builder']['name']
-        log.err("wkl: Starting to update entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, 
-        blurb, entries, footer =
-        if not blurb:
-            log.err("wkl: Unexpected content retrieved from wiki!")
-            return False
-        entry_list = re.split('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=.*', entries)
-        # [1::2] selects only the odd entries, i.e. separators/titles
-        titles = entry_list[1::2]
-        if len(titles) > 200:
-            # Archive off entries when the log becomes too long
-            log.err("wkl: Archiving off entries from %s (size %s)" % 
(titles[50], len(titles)))
-            sep = '==[' + titles[50] + ']=='
-            head, archive = entries.split(sep, 1)
-            archive = sep + archive
-            archivenum = int(max(re.findall(r'\[%s/Archive/([0-9]+)\]' % 
self.wiki_page, footer)))
-            nextnum = str(archivenum + 1).zfill(4)
-            cookies =
-            if not cookies:
-                log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
-                return False
-            post = + "/Archive/" + 
nextnum, archive, "Archive out older buildlog entries", cookies)
-            if not post:
-                log.err("wkl: Failed to save new archive page %s" % (nextnum))
-                return False
-            entries = head
-            entry_list = re.split('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=.*', entries)
-            footer = footer + "\n* [[" + self.wiki_page + "/Archive/" + 
nextnum + "]]"
-        entry = ''
-        title = ''
-        foundmatch = False
-        # Start at the beginning of entry list and keep iterating until we find
-        # a title which contains our url/identifier
-        for idx, entry in enumerate(entry_list):
-            # The matched title contents should always start with a http*
-            # schemed URI
-            if entry.startswith('http'):
-                # format of the title is:
-                # ==[url builder buildid - buildbranch commit_hash on 
-                title_components = entry.split(None, 8)
-                if title_components[0] == parent['url']:
-                    if self.identifier and title_components[7] == 
-                        foundmatch = True
-                    elif not self.identifier:
-                        foundmatch = True
-                if foundmatch:
-                    entry = entry_list[idx+1]
-                    title = entry_list[idx]
-                    break
-        if not entry or not title:
-            errmsg = ("wkl: Failed to update entry for {0} couldn't find a 
matching title containing url: {1}")
-            log.err(errmsg.format(buildid, parent['url']))
-            return False
-        new_entry = '\n' + entry.strip() + logentry + '\n\n'
-        summary = 'Updating entry with failures in %s' % builder
-        summary = summary + self.idstring
-        new_entry, new_title = self.updateEntryBuildInfo(new_entry, title, 
-        # If unchanged, skip the update
-        if entry == new_entry and title == new_title:
-            log.msg("wkl: Entry unchanged for wikilog entry %s" % buildid)
-            return True
-        # Find the point where the first entry's title starts and the second
-        # entry's title begins, then replace the text between those points
-        # with the newly generated entry.
-        it = re.finditer('\=\=\[(.+)\]\=\=', entries)
-        entry_title = next(it)
-        while != title:
-            entry_title = next(it)
-        head = entries[:entry_title.start()]
-        try:
-            next_title = next(it)
-            tail = entries[next_title.start():]
-        except StopIteration:
-            # There was no following entry
-            tail = ""
-        update = blurb + head + "==[" + new_title + "]==\n" + new_entry + tail 
+ footer
-        cookies =
-        if not cookies:
-            log.err("wkl: Failed to login to wiki")
-            return False
-        post =, update, summary, cookies)
-        if not post:
-            log.err("wkl: Failed to update entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, 
-            return False
-        log.msg("wkl: Updating wikilog entry for %s(%s)" % (buildid, 
-        return True
diff --git a/ b/
index bdfdbc1d..67e5fb6f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -36,12 +36,6 @@ generator = reporters.BuildStatusGenerator(
 #                   channels=["yocto"],
 #                   noticeOnChannel=True))
-# from yoctoabb.reporters import wikilog
-# services.append(
-#     wikilog.WikiLog("";,
-#                     "User", "password", "LogPage",
-#                     "Production Cluster")
-# )
 # from yoctoabb.reporters import swatbot
 # services.append(

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