Jack Mitchell wrote on 2011-10-24:
> I am trying to use the new eclipse plugin, which I have had working 
> fine for the past couple of weeks until I switched from the master branch to 
> edison.
> I performed a fresh build using the stable edison branch, installed 
> the new 1.1 eclipse plugin and now whenever I try to setup the Yocto 
> eclipse environment I receive the following error:
> Yocto Preferences Configuration Error!
> OECORE related items are not found in envrionement setup files.
> The ADT version you're using is too old.
> Please upgrade to our latest ADT Version!
> This pops up in a message box, not the eclipse console. I have 
> followed the ADT Setup guide to the letter and it's not playing ball - 
> could someone confirm this as working or point me towards a reason why I may 
> be getting this error?

Hi Jack,

How did you install your ADT? You can check the ADT version by "cat" the file 
/opt/poky/${version}/version-xxxx, where xxxx is your target sys architecture.

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