On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Rifenbark, Scott M wrote:

> Robert,
> Thanks for the stuff and the look here.  Regarding your first point
> - I don't have a problem using the real link over the redirect.
> The only things that come to mind are if they work why change them?
> But, if the community wants the downloads.yoctoproject.org/releases
> URL in there I can certainly go in and make changes to master.

  yes, that's a judgment call, someone else can make that decision.
obviously, not a critical change.

> On the second point - you are absolutely correct here.  I will fix
> that in master to reflect where the tarball really is.  I think as
> the project moves forward there will be more consistency.  Early
> life jitters I guess :)

  i suspect you've already seen the two patches i posted yesterday.
just apply what you think is useful, i've already moved on to the next
manual i'm fighting with. :-)



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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