Core Team Meeting:
Attending: Shane, Dongxiao, Edwin, Dexuan, Ke, Lianhao, Robert,
ScottG, Saul, Beth, Jaijun
Scribe: Beth

1.0.2 Status
We're attempting to get a clean 1.0.2 build, however this weekend we
ran into a bitbake db locking issue and we're currently running into
some libtool-native issues. (possibly undefined macro:
Josh and Beth have been looking at this to try to get out a good
1.0.2. Beth has been able to replicate libtool-native issue on the
autobuilder and will spend some time on it tonight.

Autobuilder Update
- We have new ways of viewing autobuilder status
- RSS feed:
- Freenode IRC bot: yocto-ab-bot@#yoctobuildstatus
- maillist:

1.2 Status
- Please review the Yocto Project Schedule @
- Please update Song and Saul on status of activities by Monday AM PST
- We will be using bugzilla as the primary place to update status of features
- Put as much design info into bugzilla as appropriate (link to wiki,
if it's too large, otherwise, place it in the bug report)

- All: Please subscribe to build status updates in one of the ways
provided above and spend more time identifying/fixing failures the AB
- Dongxiao: Nov 30 meeting: Multilib demo
- When we have time: Try samba profiling on windows machine.
- When we have time: Do various profiling eliminating samba or NFS to
see where NAS performance issue lies (Samba or NFS?)
- Song: Legal review of 'Building NAS with Yocto'

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
yocto mailing list

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