Matthew, Saul, Paul, Richard, Dave, Darren, Joshua, Tom, Jeff, Mark, Jessica, 
Sean, Scott, Bruce, Lianhao, Beth, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.0.2 and 1.1.1 point release update - 5 min (Josh)
  - Had some issues last week with autobuilder. Appeared to be resolved. Beth 
had some issues working on them yesterday. Beth is proposing some patches, will 
check with Josh. Beth is trying to have a build today. Should have the build 
this week.
  - 1.1.1, not much progress, should be more progress next week. Possible more 
patches regarding most recent issues. Josh will sync with Richard.  
* Yocto 1.2 M1 Status (features development) - 10 min (Song) 
  Just finished the status and schedule update. Please get the status in 
bugzilla by Monday morning so that I have time updating things on the wiki. 
Hopefully we can automate these soon.
  - Issues: 
    . Paul 1565/p1, no status, (Paul) Will have this in by the end of the week.
    . Beth 1546/p1, no status.
    . Some features have been staying in the current for more than 2 weeks. 
Anything blocking?
  - Build status: sanity test issue, actually more of infrastructure problem, 
should be resolved by now, we are mostly green.
* Opens - 10 min
  - bootloaders (Darren): syslinux and grub2 for BSPs mostly. Couple of items 
to convert EFI bootloader. Having 2 to maintain is a lot of work, propose to 
remove grub 2 from oe core. This discussion needs to continue on the mailing 
list. I can address meta-intel BSPs only, but this can benefit others also. 
Darren will send email to the mailing list to continue the discussion. 
    . Concerns (Sean) that grub 2 does not have home, will take it back to 
mentor and provide any feedback. Maybe removing syslinux.
    . Darren will do research on File system and chain loading and continue the 
discussion on the mailing list. 
  - how to deal with UEFI bootloading. A few options, efi linux, some have 
interest in dual booting, would like get some understanding on which direction 
to go: desktop with more flexibility or simple ones, or multi-bootloader 
    . One bootloader for one BSP. It would be nice to support more than one. 
    . Unfortunately we would have to support both. (RP)
    . (Sean) From a design/layer perspective, maybe one bootloader for one 
specific BSP. Large number of HW we want to support is non-intel.
  - meeting for shoeleather (Sean): Sean will organize a meeting for this 
project, if anyone is interested please email Sean.
* Action item Review - 5 min
1. Richard will review unsorted features and prioritize them. (WIP)
* Weekly team sharing (20 min)
Beth: get 1.0.2 build. Found some issues, finally hit the source mirror issue, 
solving it now. Got more performance for the autobuilder, a clean button for 
sstate build. This week will continue on the clean sstate build button. 
Lianhao: travelling in US, discussing HOB design issues with Jessica, Josh, 
getting clear on issues and plan. No blocking issues. Only thing we need to 
discuss now is the collaboration model with designers in UK.
Bruce: working on planning for 1.2, working on some infrastructure changes for 
tools, getting ready to push to 3.2 kernel. Having issues with laptops, taking 
30 secs to run recipes. Pseudo is taking a long time, there might be some 
issues. Database is growing really large (RP). Will take note of this and 
figure it out. 
Saul: working with Richard, maintainers issues, pull request, process and 
planning on 1.2 around package updating. This week, continue on package update. 
Out the rest of this week for Linux con in Brazil. 
Scott: working on issues on manuals. Trying to get hw together for fri ii.
Sean: going to be doing a conference call, if you are interested, please send 
me email. If there is trouble getting to me, send the email to John Cherry.
Jessica: working on plugin, tools, figure out, remote tools launch, setting up 
the meeting and framework, push to come up with a common framework. Working 
with lianhao on HOB review. Continue work on remote tools.
Mark: main thing is FS construction issues, prelink stuff, 64bit, continue to 
work on these things.
Jeff: nothing
Tom: spent time on going through some docs with Scott. Similar things last week 
with another Intel guy. Wrapping up to do video accelerating issues. Crownbay, 
emenlow. Will continue with that.
Josh: worked on 1.0.2 release and some 1.2 design work, will work on 1.1.1
Darren: spent time on some internal projects, helping get people start on BSPs, 
things around UEFI bootloading, will focus on some internal projects, get the 
final design for bootloader, as well as some BSP work.
Richard: catch up with various patches, get the build green, continue this week.
Paul: working on a number of bugs reported by community, 3 of them, a little 
bit work on the p1 issue. Continue on the p1 feature this week,

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