Thanks a lot for putting these together on the wiki, Beth! It really helps. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Flanagan, Elizabeth [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 11:12 AM
To: Liu, Song
Subject: Re: [yocto] Yocto SWAT team kickoff

I've done some initial wikification of this:

Michael Halstead, as the SA, should probably be included on this as
access rights to the infrastructure should in most cases, go through


On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Liu, Song <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to kick off the Yocto SWAT team this week. Please see the 
> following for the purpose of the SWAT team and let me know if you have any 
> questions or concerns. We welcome any community participation on the SWAT 
> team. At the same time, I will work with the team to make sure thing get 
> started.
> Thanks,
> Song
> The assembly of the Yocto Project SWAT team is mainly to tackle urgent 
> technical problems that break build on the master branch or major release 
> branches in a timely manner, thus to maintain the stability of the master and 
> release branch. The SWAT team includes volunteers or appointed members of the 
> Yocto Project team. Community members can also volunteer to be part of the 
> SWAT team.
> Whenever a build (nightly build, weekly build, release build) fails, the SWAT 
> team is responsible for ensuring the necessary debugging occurs and 
> organizing resources to solve the issue and ensure successful builds. If 
> resolving the issues requires schedule or resource adjustment, the SWAT team 
> should work with program and development management to accommodate the change 
> in the overall planning.
> * Darren Hart (US)
> * Elizabeth Flanagan (US)
> * Paul Eggleton (UK)
> * Jessica Zhang (US)
> * Dexuan Cui (CN)
> * Saul Wold (US)
> * Richard Purdie (UK)
> A chairperson role will be rotated among team members each week. The 
> Chairperson should monitor the build status for the entire week. Whenever a 
> build is broken, the Chairperson should do necessary debugging and organize 
> resources to solve the problems in a timely manner to meet the overall 
> project and release schedule. The Chairperson serves as the focal point of 
> the SWAT team to external people such as program managers or development 
> managers.
> Each week on a specific day (propose Monday), a SWAT team meeting could be 
> called at the chairperson's discretion to discuss current issues and status. 
> Either during the meeting or offline, the Chairperson of last week will 
> identify and pass the role to another person in the team. The program manager 
> should be notified at the same time. Usually, this will take a simple round 
> robin order. In case the next person cannot take the role due to tight 
> schedule, vacation or some other reasons, the role will be passed to the next 
> person.
> The current Chairperson's full name and email address will be published on 
> the project status wiki page: 
> under "Current 
> SWAT team Chairperson" section.
> When looking at a failure, the first question is what the baseline was and 
> what changed. If there were recent known good builds it helps to narrow down 
> the number of changes that were likely responsible for the failure. It's also 
> useful to note if the build was from scratch or from existing sstate files. 
> You can tell by seeing what "setscene" tasks run in the log.
> The primary responsibility is to ensure that any failures are categorized 
> correctly and that the right people get to know about them.
> It's important *someone* is then tasked with fixing it. Image failures are 
> particular tricky since its likely some component of the image that failed 
> and the question is then whether that component changed recently, whether it 
> was some kind of core functionality at fault and so on.
> Ideally we want to get the failure reported to the person who knows something 
> about the area and can come up with a fix without it distracting them too 
> much.
> As a secondary responsibility, its often helpful for to triage the failure. 
> This might mean documenting a way to reproduce the failure outside a full 
> build and/or documenting how the failure is happening and maybe even propose 
> a fix.
> Sometimes failures are difficult to understand and can require direct ssh 
> access to the autobuilder so the issue can be debugged passively on the 
> system to examine contents of files and so forth. If doing this ensure you 
> don't change any of the file system for example adding files that couldn't 
> then be deleted by the autobuilder when it rebuilds.
> Rarely, "live" debugging might be needed where you'd su to the pokybuild user 
> and run a build manually to see the failure in real time. If doing this, 
> ensure you only create files as the pokybuild user and you are careful not to 
> generate sstate packages which shouldn't be present or any other bad state 
> that might get reused. In general its recommended not to do "live" debugging. 
> This can be escalated to RP/Saul/Beth if needed.
> To fulfill the primary responsibility, it's suggested that bugs are opened on 
> the bugzilla for each type of failure. This way, appropriate people can be 
> brought into the discussion and a specific owner of the failure can be 
> assigned. Replying to the build failure with the bug ID and also bringing the 
> bug to the attention of anyone you suspect was responsible for the problem 
> are also good practices.
> _______________________________________________
> yocto mailing list

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
yocto mailing list

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