Saul, Josh, Sean, Scott, Tom, Mark, Michael, Paul, Belen, Darren, Jessica, Fred 
(Intel), Jeff, Richard, Dave, Nitin, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* Yocto 1.1.1 point release update - 10 min (Josh/Beth)
  - Josh: We have one example in the doc not working, probably a bug, trying to 
have a build this week.
  - ScottR: kernel SMP example is not working, filed a bug. Working for 1.1, 
should be fixed for 1.1.1
  - Darren: will find and look into it.
* Yocto 1.2 M2 status, M3 planning status - 10 min (Song/Team) 
   - M2 RC1 full path test passed, we also tested latest distros and there is 
no new issue found there. We will schedule release readiness meeting later this 
week to release M2.  
  - M3 planning is done. We have moved some P2/P3 features to post 1.2. P2/P3 
are our goals, but not commitment for the release. RP: no need for CCB 
approval, ok to leave these to team leads and the team
  - Overall, statistically we have completed more than half of the features in 
terms of the number of features. Most of the P1 features are completed or close 
to be completed, such as HOB is pretty much done, we still need to address 
feedbacks from our last demo. Build appliance is mostly done. There would be a 
lot of polishing to be done. We could be seeing more bugs coming. Going forward 
in M3, we still have a lot of work to be done in Feb.
  - Quality side, we have been able to keep the number of open medium+ bugs 
down, last week there is a little bit of uptick (about 8 bugs),  a. if you have 
time please take a look at some medium+ bugs and try t. b. for those people who 
have more bugs than others, please take a look and see if you can do something 
to those bugs (by yesterday, Saul and Tom have the most number of bugs).
   - Paul: on SWAT team this week. Will look into it. RP/Saul: Autobuilder 
should be fairly good now. The only open on autobuilder now is some 
infrastructure issue Beth needs to do.
* Review M3 release criteria
  - remove meta-intel BSP from release criteria.
* Opens - 10 min 
  - Sean will be ELC, and the developer day.
  - Scott: 1.1.1 example.
  - Mark: Linux work. Hoping to get SE linux layer done in this week, taking 
longer than thought, all core SE linux integrated, appear to work. Got a place 
to work for anyone who is interested.
  - Jessica: YP developer day. Sean knows about the presentation and the panel 
  - Richard: SWAT team. We have been in this for a couple of weeks. Would like 
to get some people together and see what worked and what did not. How to 
improve. It's important to get autobuilder working and continuous integration. 
Song will setup a the meeting, will include Michael also.
* Team Sharing - 20 min
 Richard: doing patch review, merging, manipulation, issues of shared states, 
etc. Already send out some patches on bitbake. We can do some clean up in meta 
now. Next week, continue these. Significant changes to come: change to native 
SDK, which has been discussed in the mailing. It's a fairly major change. 
 - Jeff: nothing today
 - Fred: nothing today
  - Jessica: Looking at BSP tools proposals, sent replay back, will be working 
on that. Helped looked at some other issues.
 - Darren: working on a lot of internal stuff, prepare for ELC, this week will 
be mainly internal.
 - Belen: We watched the demo last week, going to be working on refinement. 
 - Paul: talk accepted for ELC, on OE-core, how we work together, explain a new 
structure. Prepare for that. SWAT work for this week. Nothing major blocking.
 - Michael: we had some downtime on autobuilder due to some package update, 
repaired that. Added 1.1.1 to Bugzilla, cleaned up backup freed some space. 
Eglibc server is now our server, doing a virtual transition. There are some 
email issues, will be fixed. Next week, eglibc virtual transition, bugzilla 
upgrade, no blockers, waiting for DNS changes.
 - Mark: working on SE Linux last week, would like to share the work if anyone 
interested, doing some work around documentation, working with people at WRS 
who are new to YP, have a doc for intro to YP, will send to Saul/Richard. It's 
a 3 page doc, giving people a brief description about YP components. RP is 
interested to take a look. ScottR would like to see that too.
 - Tom: last week spent most of time on BSP tool, sent Jessica a link for 
something she can start using, continue on that this week. Licensing, internal 
BSP work, coming week will be more of those.
 - Scott: last week finished 1.1.1 manual changes, everything is verified 
except that example. Layer info to integrate. This week will take care of bugs 
dropped, moving on writing on new info for manual. 
 - Josh: Been doing internal things, working on 1.1.1, this week more internal 
stuff to handle. 
 - Saul: feeding patch machines, various bug fixing. Next week uclibc needs 
some work. Bug fixing, need to prepare for ELC and developer day. 
 - Nitin: working on sun jdk recipe, almost done. Enabling gcc for multi-lib. 
Tom is going to check it out today. Prepare presentation for dev day, ELC.

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