Greetings folks,

I'm emailing to ascertain the potential interest in a piece of functionality 
Mentor has been including in our MEL product, and see if it'd be something 
either we could push up under the Yocto umbrella, or potentially reimplemented 
in concert with upstream folk to better meet folks needs.

This feature is a means of distribution of sysroot content (libraries, headers, 
potentially host scripts and binaries) from the person doing the bitbake builds 
to a potential application developer using eclipse. This is a different 
approach than that taken by the ADT, as this doesn't require a poky development 
environment, so is potentially more useful for application developers.

In concept it's quite simple. We construct an eclipse P2 IU (installable unit) 
and binary artifact for every binary package we emit, and build a P2 repository 
with those. This repository can be added to eclipse, and you can pick and 
choose any of the packages we emitted, including -dev, -dbg content and it 
installs it into a sysroot relative to the eclipse install directory, where you 
could then point your application project. It's really not unlike adding a new 
package management format, as that's what P2 really is, a package management / 
content distribution system. I think it provides a fair bit of value, but I'd 
like to get the opinions of others on this.

The current implementation has a python script which converts an ipk package 
repository into a p2 repository. I intend to move toward a package_p2.bbclass 
type approach, emitting xml snippets for each along with the artifact as we go, 
and then have the feed construction reassemble the component metadata into the 
appropriate artifact and IU xml files, which would more closely mirror the way 
our other package management formats behave.

Christopher Larson

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