From: Tom Zanussi <>

This is essentially 'the documentation' for the Yocto BSP tools, along
with a few related functions.

Signed-off-by: Tom Zanussi <>
 scripts/lib/bsp/ |  570 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 570 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 scripts/lib/bsp/

diff --git a/scripts/lib/bsp/ b/scripts/lib/bsp/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200a4f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/lib/bsp/
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+# ex:ts=4:sw=4:sts=4:et
+# -*- tab-width: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2012, Intel Corporation.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# This module implements some basic help invocation functions along
+# with the bulk of the help topic text for the Yocto BSP Tools.
+# Tom Zanussi <tom.zanussi (at]>
+import subprocess
+import logging
+def subcommand_error(args):
+"invalid subcommand %s" % args[0])
+def display_help(subcommand, subcommands):
+    """
+    Display help for subcommand.
+    """
+    if subcommand not in subcommands:
+        return False
+    help = subcommands.get(subcommand, subcommand_error)[2]
+    pager = subprocess.Popen('less', stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
+    pager.communicate(help)
+    return True
+def yocto_help(args, usage_str, subcommands):
+    """
+    Subcommand help dispatcher.
+    """
+    if len(args) == 1 or not display_help(args[1], subcommands):
+        print(usage_str)
+def invoke_subcommand(args, parser, main_command_usage, subcommands):
+    """
+    Dispatch to subcommand handler borrowed from combo-layer.
+    Should use argparse, but has to work in 2.6.
+    """
+    if not args:
+        logging.error("No subcommand specified, exiting")
+        parser.print_help()
+    elif args[0] == "help":
+        yocto_help(args, main_command_usage, subcommands)
+    elif args[0] not in subcommands:
+        logging.error("Unsupported subcommand %s, exiting\n" % (args[0]))
+        parser.print_help()
+    else:
+        usage = subcommands.get(args[0], subcommand_error)[1]
+        subcommands.get(args[0], subcommand_error)[0](args[1:], usage)
+# yocto-bsp help and usage strings
+yocto_bsp_usage = """
+ Create a customized Yocto BSP layer.
+ usage: yocto-bsp [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ The most commonly used 'yocto-bsp' commands are:
+    create            Create a new Yocto BSP
+    list              List available values for options and BSP properties
+ See 'yocto-bsp help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+yocto_bsp_help_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-bsp help <subcommand>
+ This command displays detailed help for the specified subcommand.
+yocto_bsp_create_usage = """
+ Create a new Yocto BSP
+ usage: yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+            [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified parameters.
+ The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained by default within
+ the top-level directory specified as 'meta-bsp-name'.  The -o option
+ can be used to place the BSP layer in a directory with a different
+ name and location.
+ The value of the 'karch' parameter determines the set of files that
+ will be generated for the BSP, along with the specific set of
+ 'properties' that will be used to fill out the BSP-specific portions
+ of the BSP.  The possible values for the 'karch' paramter can be
+ listed via 'yocto-bsp list karch'.
+yocto_bsp_create_help = """
+    yocto-bsp create - Create a new Yocto BSP
+    yocto-bsp create <bsp-name> <karch> [-o <DIRNAME> | --outdir <DIRNAME>]
+        [-i <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --infile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command creates a Yocto BSP based on the specified
+    parameters.  The new BSP will be a new Yocto BSP layer contained
+    by default within the top-level directory specified as
+    'meta-bsp-name'.  The -o option can be used to place the BSP layer
+    in a directory with a different name and location.
+    The value of the 'karch' parameter determines the set of files
+    that will be generated for the BSP, along with the specific set of
+    'properties' that will be used to fill out the BSP-specific
+    portions of the BSP.  The possible values for the 'karch' paramter
+    can be listed via 'yocto-bsp list karch'.
+    The BSP-specific properties that define the values that will be
+    used to generate a particular BSP can be specified on the
+    command-line using the -i option and supplying a JSON object
+    consisting of the set of name:value pairs needed by the BSP.
+    If the -i option is not used, the user will be interactively
+    prompted for each of the required property values, which will then
+    be used as values for BSP generation.
+    The set of properties available for a given architecture can be
+    listed using the 'yocto-bsp list' command.
+    Specifying -c causes the Python code generated and executed to
+    create the BSP to be dumped to the 'bspgen.out' file in the
+    current directory, and is useful for debugging.
+    NOTE: Once created, you should add your new layer to your
+    bblayers.conf file in order for it to be subsquently seen and
+    modified by the yocto-kernel tool.
+    NOTE for x86- and x86_64-based BSPs: The generated BSP assumes the
+    presence of the of the meta-intel layer, so you should also have a
+    meta-intel layer present and added to your bblayers.conf as well.
+yocto_bsp_list_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-bsp list karch
+        yocto-bsp list <karch> properties
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+        yocto-bsp list <karch> property <xxx>
+                [-o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | --outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+ This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+ specified option or property needed by the BSP creation process.
+ The first form enumerates all the possible values that exist and can
+ be specified for the 'karch' parameter to the 'yocto bsp create'
+ command.
+ The second form enumerates all the possible properties that exist and
+ must have values specified for them in the 'yocto bsp create' command
+ for the given 'karch'.
+ The third form enumerates all the possible values that exist and can
+ be specified for any of the enumerable properties of the given
+ 'karch' in the 'yocto bsp create' command.
+ See 'yocto-bsp help list' for more details.
+yocto_bsp_list_help = """
+    yocto-bsp list - List available values for options and BSP properties
+    yocto-bsp list karch
+    yocto-bsp list <karch> properties
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    yocto-bsp list <karch> property <xxx>
+            [--o <JSON PROPERTY FILE> | -outfile <JSON PROPERTY_FILE>]
+    This command enumerates the complete set of possible values for a
+    specified option or property needed by the BSP creation process.
+    The first form enumerates all the possible values that exist and
+    can be specified for the 'karch' parameter to the 'yocto bsp
+    create' command.  Example output for the 'list karch' command:
+    $ yocto-bsp list karch
+    Architectures available:
+        arm
+        powerpc
+        i386
+        mips
+        x86_64
+        qemu
+    The second form enumerates all the possible properties that exist
+    and must have values specified for them in the 'yocto bsp create'
+    command for the given 'karch'.  This command is mainly meant to
+    allow the development user interface alternatives to the default
+    text-based prompting interface.  If the -o option is specified,
+    the list of properties, in addition to being displayed, will be
+    written to the specified file as a JSON object.  In this case, the
+    object will consist of the set of name:value pairs corresponding
+    to the (possibly nested) dictionary of properties defined by the
+    input statements used by the BSP.  Some example output for the
+    'list properties' command:
+    $ yocto-bsp list arm properties
+    "touchscreen" : {
+        "msg" : Does your BSP have a touchscreen? (y/N)
+        "default" : n
+        "type" : boolean
+    }
+    "uboot_loadaddress" : {
+        "msg" : Please specify a value for UBOOT_LOADADDRESS.
+        "default" : 0x80008000
+        "type" : edit
+        "prio" : 40
+    }
+    "kernel_choice" : {
+        "prio" : 10
+        "default" : linux-yocto_3.2
+        "depends-on" : use_default_kernel
+        "depends-on-val" : n
+        "msg" : Please choose the kernel to use in this BSP =>
+        "type" : choicelist
+        "gen" : bsp.kernel.kernels
+    }
+    "if kernel_choice == "linux-yocto_3.0":" : {
+        "base_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0" : {
+            "prio" : 20
+            "default" : yocto/standard
+            "depends-on" : new_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0
+            "depends-on-val" : y
+            "msg" : Please choose a machine branch to base this BSP on =>
+            "type" : choicelist
+            "gen" : bsp.kernel.all_branches
+    }
+    .
+    .
+    .
+    Each entry in the output consists of the name of the input element
+    e.g. "touchscreen", followed by the properties defined for that
+    element enclosed in braces.  This information should provide
+    sufficient information to create a complete user interface with.
+    Two features of the scheme provide for conditional input.  First,
+    if a Python "if" statement appears in place of an input element
+    name, the set of enclosed input elements apply and should be
+    presented to the user only if the 'if' statement evaluates to
+    true.  The test in the if statement will always reference another
+    input element in the list, which means that the element being
+    tested should be presented to the user before the elements
+    enclosed by the if block.  Secondly, in a similar way, some
+    elements contain "depends-on" and depends-on-val" tags, which mean
+    that the affected input element should only be presented to the
+    user if the element it depends on has already been presented to
+    the user and the user has selected the specified value for that
+    element.
+    The third form enumerates all the possible values that exist and
+    can be specified for any of the enumerable properties of the given
+    'karch' in the 'yocto bsp create' command.  If the -o option is
+    specified, the list of values for the given property, in addition
+    to being displayed, will be written to the specified file as a
+    JSON object.  In this case, the object will consist of the set of
+    name:value pairs corresponding to the array of property values
+    associated with the property.
+    $ yocto-bsp list i386 property xserver_choice
+        ["xserver_vesa", "VESA xserver support"]
+        ["xserver_emgd", "EMGD xserver support (proprietary)"]
+        ["xserver_i915", "i915 xserver support"]
+    $ yocto-bsp list arm property base_kbranch_linux_yocto_3_0
+        Getting branches from remote repo 
+        ["yocto/base", "yocto/base"]
+        ["yocto/eg20t", "yocto/eg20t"]
+        ["yocto/emgd", "yocto/emgd"]
+        ["yocto/emgd-1.10", "yocto/emgd-1.10"]
+        ["yocto/gma500", "yocto/gma500"]
+        ["yocto/pvr", "yocto/pvr"]
+        ["yocto/standard/arm-versatile-926ejs", 
+        ["yocto/standard/base", "yocto/standard/base"]
+        ["yocto/standard/beagleboard", "yocto/standard/beagleboard"]
+        ["yocto/standard/cedartrail", "yocto/standard/cedartrail"]
+        .
+        .
+        .
+        ["yocto/standard/qemu-ppc32", "yocto/standard/qemu-ppc32"]
+        ["yocto/standard/routerstationpro", "yocto/standard/routerstationpro"]
+    The third form as well is meant mainly for developers of
+    alternative interfaces - it allows the developer to fetch the
+    possible values for a given input element on-demand.  This
+    on-demand capability is especially valuable for elements that
+    require relatively expensive remote operations to fulfill, such as
+    the example that returns the set of branches available in a remote
+    git tree above.
+# yocto-kernel help and usage strings
+yocto_kernel_usage = """
+ Modify and list Yocto BSP kernel config items and patches.
+ usage: yocto-kernel [--version] [--help] COMMAND [ARGS]
+ The most commonly used 'yocto-kernel' commands are:
+   config list       List the modifiable set of bare kernel config options for 
+   config add        Add or modify bare kernel config options for a BSP
+   config rm         Remove bare kernel config options from a BSP
+   patch list        List the patches associated with a BSP
+   patch add         Patch the Yocto kernel for a BSP
+   patch rm          Remove patches from a BSP
+ See 'yocto-kernel help COMMAND' for more information on a specific command.
+yocto_kernel_help_usage = """
+ usage: yocto-kernel help <subcommand>
+ This command displays detailed help for the specified subcommand.
+yocto_kernel_config_list_usage = """
+ List the modifiable set of bare kernel config options for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the 'modifiable' config items for a BSP i.e. the
+ items which are eligible for modification or removal by other
+ yocto-kernel commands.
+ 'modifiable' config items are the config items contained a BSP's
+ user-config.cfg base config.
+yocto_kernel_config_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config list - List the modifiable set of bare kernel
+    config options for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel config list <bsp-name>
+    This command lists the 'modifiable' config items for a BSP
+    i.e. the items which are eligible for modification or removal by
+    other yocto-kernel commands.
+yocto_kernel_config_add_usage = """
+ Add or modify bare kernel config options for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config add <bsp-name> [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...]
+ This command adds one or more CONFIG_XXX=x items to a BSP's user-config.cfg
+ base config.
+yocto_kernel_config_add_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config add - Add or modify bare kernel config options
+    for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel config add <bsp-name> [<CONFIG_XXX=x> ...]
+    This command adds one or more CONFIG_XXX=x items to a BSP's
+    foo.cfg base config.
+    NOTE: It's up to the user to determine whether or not the config
+    options being added make sense or not - this command does no
+    sanity checking or verification of any kind to ensure that a
+    config option really makes sense and will actually be set in in
+    the final config.  For example, if a config option depends on
+    other config options, it will be turned off by kconfig if the
+    other options aren't set correctly.
+yocto_kernel_config_rm_usage = """
+ Remove bare kernel config options from a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel config rm <bsp-name>
+ This command removes (turns off) one or more CONFIG_XXX items from a
+ BSP's user-config.cfg base config.
+ The set of config items available to be removed by this command for a
+ BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific items to remove.
+yocto_kernel_config_rm_help = """
+    yocto-kernel config rm - Remove bare kernel config options from a
+    BSP
+    yocto-kernel config rm <bsp-name>
+    This command removes (turns off) one or more CONFIG_XXX items from a
+    BSP's user-config.cfg base config.
+    The set of config items available to be removed by this command
+    for a BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific items
+    to remove.
+yocto_kernel_patch_list_usage = """
+ List the patches associated with the kernel for a BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch list <bsp-name>
+ This command lists the patches associated with a BSP.
+ NOTE: this only applies to patches listed in the kernel recipe's
+ user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI).
+yocto_kernel_patch_list_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch list - List the patches associated with the kernel
+    for a BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch list <bsp-name>
+    This command lists the patches associated with a BSP.
+    NOTE: this only applies to patches listed in the kernel recipe's
+    user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI).
+yocto_kernel_patch_add_usage = """
+ Patch the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch add <bsp-name> [<PATCH> ...]
+ This command adds one or more patches to a BSP's machine branch.  The
+ patch will be added to the BSP's linux-yocto kernel user-patches.scc
+ file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and will be guaranteed
+ to be applied in the order specified.
+yocto_kernel_patch_add_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch add - Patch the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch add <bsp-name> [<PATCH> ...]
+    This command adds one or more patches to a BSP's machine branch.
+    The patch will be added to the BSP's linux-yocto kernel
+    user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and
+    will be guaranteed to be applied in the order specified.
+    NOTE: It's up to the user to determine whether or not the patches
+    being added makes sense or not - this command does no sanity
+    checking or verification of any kind to ensure that a patch can
+    actually be applied to the BSP's kernel branch; it's assumed that
+    the user has already done that.
+yocto_kernel_patch_rm_usage = """
+ Remove a patch from the Yocto kernel for a specific BSP
+ usage: yocto-kernel patch rm <bsp-name>
+ This command removes one or more patches from a BSP's machine branch.
+ The patch will be removed from the BSP's linux-yocto kernel
+ user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its SRC_URI) and
+ kernel SRC_URI dir.
+ The set of patches available to be removed by this command for a BSP
+ is listed and the user prompted for the specific patches to remove.
+yocto_kernel_patch_rm_help = """
+    yocto-kernel patch rm - Remove a patch from the Yocto kernel for a 
specific BSP
+    yocto-kernel patch rm <bsp-name>
+    This command removes one or more patches from a BSP's machine
+    branch.  The patch will be removed from the BSP's linux-yocto
+    kernel user-patches.scc file (and currently repeated in its
+    SRC_URI).
+    The set of patches available to be removed by this command for a
+    BSP is listed and the user prompted for the specific patches to
+    remove.
+# test code
+test_bsp_properties = {
+    'smp': 'yes',
+    'touchscreen': 'yes',
+    'keyboard': 'no',
+    'xserver': 'yes',
+    'xserver_choice': 'xserver-i915',
+    'features': ['goodfeature', 'greatfeature'],
+    'tunefile': 'tune-quark',

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