Thanks, Richard. Clearer now but not entirely.

> >> BBMASK removes recipes from being parsed. It does not remove them from
> >> images although that would I guess be an indirect result since you could
> >>no longer build them.
> Yes, it removes it from being parsed. I used, for test although not
sensible, BBMASK = "base-passwd". If I then tried building
core-image-minimal it fails with "Nothing provides base-passwd". If one
could use BBMASK to customize images as suggested in
one would expect the package to be removed indirectly from the image.
However, that does not happen, the build just fails.

> >> Its designed so that if you for example didn't care out any *gpe*
> >> recipe, you could exclude them entirely and not even have the parse
> >> overhead.

That use case makes sense. If I know that I don't include certain packages
like *gpe* in the images I am building then I can speed up the
build/parsing process by masking the recipes and therefore the regular
expression syntax makes perfectly sense.

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