
I've been burned by this same type of issue several times during different 
trial runs of the Yocto quick start and when running through the ADT Manual.  
Here are a few things to try / things I've done wrong in the past / common 

1.  Be very sure your tool chain is correct for your target.  You need to know 
if you are "cross compiling" or not!  Look up what that means if you are 
unfamiliar.  For example, if you have 32Bit host and a 64bit target the 
pre-built toolchain you should download is 
"poky-eglibc-i686-x86_64-toolchain-gmae-1.1.1.tar.bz2" - these premade 
toolchains can be found at 
As another example, if you are trying to run the quick start with qemux86 as 
the target emulator you should get 
"poky-eglibc-i686-i586-toolchain-gmae-1.1.1.tar.bz2" from the above site.  Or 
see the ADT Manual for details on other ways to get and configure your build 

2.  Once you get a toolchain, make sure it's contents end up in 
/opt/poky/version/ folder where version is the Yocto version your using.  
v1.1.1 is the latest and 1.2 is coming soon.  It is important to know what 
version of Yocto you are trying to use! (Obviously... but note in the steps 
below that it's easy to get the wrong version of the Eclipse plugin for Yocto.)

3.  When downloading the Eclipse Yocto plugin I have found it's easiest to 
simply download the ...archive.zip version of the Yocto v1.1.1 plugin from this 
 - then in Eclipse, when adding that plugin, don't enter a software site 
address, simply click the "Archive" button (the dialog will look for a .zip 
file) then point at the plugin's .zip file you download.

4.  It's easy to miss the step in the ADT manual about how to configure the 
Yocto plugin once you've installed it.  (Also make sure you've correctly 
installed all the other add-on software described in the Eclipse setup 
procedure at the end of the ADT manual.  Note the WinCE software on that list 
doesn't seem to ever install correctly.  I haven't needed it though - should be 
able to skip it.)  The ADT Manual tell you to go to Window->Preferences and 
you'll see the Yocto ADT settings on the bottom of the column on the left.  You 
should chose Standalone pre-built tollchain if you downloaded it like I 
described above.  "Toolchain Root Location" should be "/opt/poky/1.1.1" and 
"Sysroot Location" should be "/opt/poky/1.1.1/targetSysrootFolder" where 
targetSysrootFolder will change depending on what toolchain you've downloaded.  
This is supposed to be a folder that mimic's what's going to be available on 
the target when the software you're developing is running there.  It includes 
 headers, libraries etc...  Pointing at the right sysroot location is very 
important.  It will own you if you don't!

5.  There's a nice 1 liner in the quick start manual after you've opened a new 
hello world template that's easily missed!  One you've open your Yocto hello 
world template you need to run the autotools, but this is not supposed to be 
done from the command line.  If your Yocto ADT plugin is setup correctly, and 
you've selected the new hello world project in Eclipse's Project Explorer, you 
will be able to get to the menu option Project->Reconfigure Project.  This runs 
the autotools for you.  In the console you should see that this completed 
successfully.  Once it's completed successfully, you should see a Makefile in 
hello world's /src/ folder.  It was not there before and was generated by 
calling Reconfigure Project.  Now you should be able to right click your 
project and build it.

Hope this helps!  Let us know.

~Andy Gikling
LasX Industries Inc. 

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