Beth, Richard, Dave, Paul, Joshua, Michael, Jefro, Darren, Tom, Denys, Bruce, 
Jeff, Mark, ScottR, Sahad, Sean, Ross, Song
New member - Ross Burton: Joined Yocto Project yesterday, joined Intel 4 years 
ago. Worked on moblin, meego, tizen,  worked on Poky when I was with Openhand.
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
* 1.2.1 update - 10 min (ScottG)
  - 30 fixed, 18 remaining
  - pull request for the first batch sent, RP is planning merging them today or 
* 1.1.2 update - 10 min (Josh/Beth)
  - Not a lot of changes last week, pull request sent, should be merged in a 
couple of days according to Richard.
  - Build ETA, the end of this week.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)
  - 1.3 feature list: 
  - 1.3 schedule: 
  - 1.3 status: 
  - Made some progress last week. Probably some items on the scheduled have not 
been updated due to the holiday yesterday. There are a couple of issues with 
items still in scheduled stage, will check with the team.
  - The bug count is a high, US UK team (some of you probably busy last week on 
1.2.1 bugs) should pay more attention to bugs. Romania team and the PRC team is 
in the mode of transitioning this week.
  - Items still in 'scheduled' stage: 
    2396 (Bruce): p1, Bruce will look into this.
    Beth completed 3 items for m1, still 4 left on the M1 schedule. 2 of them 
are P1s. Beth will look into them. Some of them may slip into M2.
  - Master status (Beth):  2 failures in poky-tiny. Additional targets added 
for nightly (5 and 1/2 hour with sstate for nightly to 11 hours without), 
meta-intel build (ETA, today), update of AB infrastructure in the last weekend. 
Weekly build this week for QA is on track.
  - Go over the high bugs: 8 high bugs, 2 scheduled for M1, 1 still needs a 
target milestone. Mark will look into 2420.
* SWAT team rotation: Beth -> Paul
* Opens - 5 min
  - RP: status of pull requests for oe-core. Last week concerned about master. 
There has been some changes in master, fixes, package update, doing testing 
over the weekend to make sure master is stable. Mark's patch and Nitin's are 
still outstanding, will be merged soon. Expect to see some other patches going 
into master in the next few days. 
  - Michael: requests to enable http for git repos. Requests from the 
community, have trouble using git protocol to pull source code, asked to enable 
http. RP: sounds fine. Http access will be read-only. There are some technical 
issues with using https for pull requests (RP/Michael). 
  - Jefro: conferences: check if anyone submitted any talks for any conf, if 
you have, please let jeff know: Mark has one for LinuxCon. Sean considering 
submit same topic for elce from elc. Dave: it's good to talk about your work, 
Dave will have an overview talk for the LinuxCon. 
  - Josh: Q&A forum for the yocto project: Jefro: still on the plan, looking 
for a piece software compatible with Drupal. We have quote to build it. Still 
at the late design phase.
* Team sharing - 20 min
 - Sean: nothing this week.
 - Sahad: nothing this week.
 - ScottR: last week some testing on 1.2.1, completed that. Will work on bug 
fixing for 1.3 m4.
 - Mark: working on prelink issues, something we have for x32 seems to have 
some problem, working on it. Integrating patches from mentor also.
 - Jeff: nothing this week
 - Bruce: Was out last week. Still catching up. Will work on 1.3 items.
 - Denys: was out last week.
 - Tom: working on getting 1.2 meta-intel BSPs released. Waiting for some 
kernel things to appear from Bruce (Bruce already know this). Then will move on 
to 1.3. 
 - Darren: more time on fish-II. Accelerometer driver will turn into a much 
larger effort, working with maintainers. Worked on zigbee with Scott Garman 
also. This week finishing up meta-intel work. Move on to 1.3 work.
 - Michael: last week update bugzilla requests. There was an email sent out to 
the mailing list on the preview. Will make it alive if there is no objection. 
Gerneal AB work, some work on 
 - Paul: out 3 days last week. Submit and merged 2044.that threw out some other 
issues. Working on fixing them. Will be out whole week next week.
 - Richard: merging patches last week, submit some fixes, working through some 
bugs, reviewed patches. This week more of the same. Out next week for UK 
  - Beth: AB upgrade, bugzilla upgrade, AB development cluster to test the 
things (will announce it in the mailing list). Working with an intern. Met him 
last weekend, trying to get him situated in Portland. 

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