On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Barros Pena, Belen
<belen.barros.p...@intel.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As part of the Hob work for the 1.3 release it looks like we need to make
> a visual design and implementation decision: do we want a 'vanilla' or a
> 'branded' look for Hob? Sorry if the choice of words is not the best.
> Neither 'vanilla' nor 'branded' are meant in any negative way.
> We did have this conversation when we started work on the 1.2 release of
> Hob, but somehow we settled for a middle way that is not working well and
> is causing issues like bug 1701. From my conversations with UI engineers
> and people with lots of experience in building applications using the GTK
> toolkit, the middle way just doesn't work.
> What I mean by 'vanilla' is an implementation that takes the visual
> appearance from the theme installed in the Hob host. The main advantage of
> vanilla implementations is they guarantee that Hob will play nicely with
> its host computer.
> What I mean by branded is a visually customised appearance which, apart
> from basic UI elements like window chrome and window controls, takes no
> input from the host theme. The advantage of this approach is full control
> over the Hob appearance (Hob should look like Hob no matter what Linux
> distribution you are using).
> Personally, I have no preferences: I think both have strengths and
> weaknesses and I am happy to go with any of the two. What I wouldn't like
> is sticking to a half-way-in-between approach which is giving us a lot of
> grief.
> I would like to know what the Yocto Project community thinks about these 2
> approaches.
> Thanks!


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