On 06/01/2012 10:53 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
> On 06/01/2012 01:44 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
>> On 06/01/2012 10:39 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
>>> On 06/01/2012 01:01 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
>>>> On 06/01/2012 08:45 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
>>>>> On 05/31/2012 03:41 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/31/2012 11:54 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
>>>>>>> On 05/31/2012 02:13 PM, Darren Hart wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 05/31/2012 09:11 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Using a DN2800MT (Marshalltown) Intel board, I'm testing the
>>>>>>>>> meta-cedartrail using edison branch and noticed an issues with the
>>>>>>>>> serial console.
>>>>>>>>> The cedartrail.conf in the machine directory has the following 
>>>>>>>>> statements:
>>>>>>>>> SYSLINUX_OPTS = "serial 0 115200"
>>>>>>>>> SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS0"
>>>>>>>>> APPEND += "console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0"
>>>>>>>>> However, when the image booted, I had no serial console on ttyS0.  I
>>>>>>>>> checked /etc/inittab and noticed that the following line existed:
>>>>>>>>> S:2345:respawn:/sbin/getty 115200 ttyS3
>>>>>>>>> I changed the ttyS3 to ttyS0 and then I have a serial console on the
>>>>>>>>> next reboot.  So it appears the override in the .conf file is not
>>>>>>>>> working.  Also I only have the console from getty, and not the kernel
>>>>>>>>> logging console.
>>>>>>>>> Anyone have a solution??
>>>>>>>>> If this is considered a bug I can put it on bugzilla.
>>>>>>>> Lets make sure your environment is what we expect. Please provide the
>>>>>>>> output of:
>>>>>>>> $ bitbake core-image-minimal -e | grep SERIAL_CONSOLE=
>>>>>>>> If it is not "115200 ttyS0" then it is getting overwritten somewhere
>>>>>>>> either in your config, or possibly by an inappropriate selection of an
>>>>>>>> assignment operator (=, ?=, etc.) in edison.
>>>>>>> okay now I'm confused.  while the cedartrail.conf file has the 
>>>>>>> following:
>>>>>>> SYSLINUX_OPTS = "serial 3 115200"
>>>>>>> SERIAL_CONSOLE = "115200 ttyS3"
>>>>>>> APPEND += "console=ttyS3,115200 console=tty3"
>>>>>>> The output of the bitbake command you suggested above gives:
>>>>>>> jim@ubuntu-x64:~/poky/build$ bitbake core-image-minimal -e | grep
>>>>>>> # SERIAL_CONSOLE=115200 ttyS0
>>>>>>> SERIAL_CONSOLE="115200 ttyS0"
>>>>>>> jim@ubuntu-x64:~/poky/build$
>>>>>>> So is the bitbake command showing the results before the cedartrail.conf
>>>>>>> options take affect??
>>>>>> variable assignments can be tricky, and are not the easiest things to
>>>>>> track down. I suggest looking through your configured layers and looking
>>>>>> for all the SERIAL_CONSOLE assignments using ttyS3 and ttyS0 and see if
>>>>>> you can determine what is overriding your cedartrail.conf setting.
>>>>> What I found out is the only variable that matters for login console in
>>>>> my situation is SERIAL_CONSOLE because I have to use grub and the boot
>>>>> from hard drive method because my image can't be put on a USB Flash for
>>>>> some reason.  So I manually have to edit the grub.cfg file as documented
>>>>> on the wiki "How Do I" section of putting Yocto on a hard drive.  Adding
>>>>> console=ttyS0,115200 on the linux statement takes care of the boot 
>>>>> console.
>>>> I believe this is a manual process currently. Please open an enhancement
>>>> in bugzilla for your specific situation and I'll incporporate into the
>>>> larger boot process and image revamp we're doing for 1.3.
>>> I'll make the entry.
>>>>> So the question is has there been any thought about automating the
>>>>> choice of boot loader and the parameters that are needed or optional?
>>>>> In the case of meta-cedartrail, the cedartrail.conf assumes syslinux is
>>>>> the boot loader. When I could use a USB Flash key, creating a boot
>>>>> device was a trivial dd statement.  Because I have to use a hard drive
>>>>> now, I have to do a number of manual steps.  Or is there a way to create
>>>>> a boot-able hard drive with syslinux so the cedartrail.conf parameters
>>>>> are all that is needed to adjust?
>>>> This is all good feedback to consider as we work through making more
>>>> universally bootable images. This is becoming a hot topic as people are
>>>> using Yocto in more and more situations and as things like EFI become
>>>> more commonplace.
>>>> There is no reason you can't just dd (have a look at
>>>> scripts/contrib/ddimage) the image to a hard disk instead of a usb
>>>> stick. You may need a USB to SATA adapter for your host (this is what I
>>>> use). If you have a USB port, you could just use the install option.
>>> This script does not eliminate the boot error I get with syslinux on USB
>>> flash keys.  I noticed the script is not in edison but is in denzil, so
>>> I got it there and tried to run it against an image created with
>>> edison.  I still get the same boot error I get with dd, which is
>>> understandable since that's what the script uses.  Not sure if this is a
>>> size issue because my image is over a 1GB.  I'm guessing this this will
>>> still fail on a hard drive with the dd'ing of the .hddimg, but I'll test
>>> it anyway.
>> Sorry, ddimage wasn't meant to fix the issue, just as a slightly more
>> convenient/safe wrapper around dd.
>> I'm not familiar with the error you are seeing with the live image. Can
>> you point me to the thread or the bug?

> Well this boot error issue seems to be USB Key related because I just 
> did the ddimage script on a edison core-image-sato image using the 
> .hddimg file and it worked correctly on a hard drive.  This was a 1.2GB 
> image.  Now I'll have to add in the parameters that give you more free 
> disk space now that I'm testing with a real hard drive.
> The readme in most of the x86 BSP directory in meta-intel talk about if 
> you get boot errors to:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=1M count=512
> I have not found this to work.  Maybe it's a count size issue.  I always 
> use 512, but maybe it should be 4096 for a 4GB USB key.

What is the boot error?

Darren Hart
Intel Open Source Technology Center
Yocto Project - Linux Kernel
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