On 06/21/2012 10:49 AM, jfabernathy wrote:
So I thought I'd give hob a test. Basically, I wanted to do what I could already do with the command line.

Normally, after I set the environment variables, I edit the local.conf to change my machine type and parallel processing options. Then I point the download directory to a centralized one on my system, and add some License statements and some CORE-IMAGE-EXTRA-INSTALL statements for extra packages. Then I edit the bblayer.conf to had the path to my layer and the meta-intel layers.

To use Hob, I set my environment variable and the just ran hob. It was very slow going through the first 63 packages. I think this is because parallel options had not been set and the packages were all being downloaded again. But after I got to the UI of hob, I got errors adding my layers to get to the meta-intel layers I wanted. So I started over and edited local.conf and bblayer.conf prior to launching hob. Now I could see my machine from meta-intel, but I could not add my layer in. Parsing errors.

Before I report an error, I wanted to see if I have the hob startup process right. The issues is around the right way to add meta-intel/meta-cedartrail and my personal layer in my home directory.

Any advice?


My experimenting tells me that currently Hob (denzil) only work with new added layers that are in the poky directory and not in your home directory. This is a different requirement than normal command line usage of bitbake.

Jim A
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