Hi all,

I've given up trying to work around Sony's firewall.  After repeated attempts
I still can't get any 'git:'-based URLS to work through the firewall.

I vaguely recall the last time I worked on this (about 5.0 timeframe) there
was a mirror where tarballs could be downloaded, if the git fetch didn't work.

Is this mirror still available?  If not, is there any way to disable
the sanity-checker, and have bitbake tell me what repositories it's
looking for, so I can manually construct a local mirror for yoctoproject
to work off of?

Is there any way to extract the tarballs from a build appliance image?

Any advice or pointers would be appreciated.

 -- Tim

Tim Bird
Architecture Group Chair, CE Workgroup of the Linux Foundation
Senior Staff Engineer, Sony Network Entertainment

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