I've been looking at using yocto-bsp to create a BSP. Good job! Looks like it's 
going to be much easier to do it this way :-)

I've got a few questions/comments:

1) The documentation (7.0.1) says that the machine branch defaults to 
standard/default, but that is not an option that gets presented when I created 
a BSP. Should that be standard/base, standard/default/base, or something else? 
Master shows this as standard/default/common-pc, but that still isn't one of 
the listed options (standard/default/common-pc/base ?).

2) What are these machine branches anyway? As in, how do I decide which one I 
should choose? For an ALIX 3D3 system I used standard/default/common-pc/base. 
Is that reasonable?

3) I selected core2 as the tune option and then had to change this in the 
created meta-data as I needed i586 tuning and this was not given as a tune 
option. Should all available tunes be offered?

4) Is there any way to select the kernel CPU (I got MATOM but needed MGEODE_LX 
- easily changed in the <mybsp>.cfg file)?

5) The created BSP refers to various feature/x/y.scc files. Are these 
documented somewhere so that they can be easily re-used, or am I better off 
simply producing a complete defconfig? A pointer to the documentation for the 
whole kernel meta data structure would also be helpful.

Chris Tapp


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