On 27 August 2012 21:41, Chris Tapp <opensou...@keylevel.com> wrote:
> I've got a system that has a working console and four virtual terminals.
> I can start X and run an application using
> /usr/bin/xinit /usr/sbin/xinitrc -- /usr/bin/Xorg
> The application runs fine and is expected to run with no user interaction. 
> Keyboard input is sometimes needed to either kill the application or switch 
> to another virtual terminal to make some configuration changes.
> However, I can't seem to get the keyboard to work - I can't switch virtual 
> terminal or force the application to exit and the caps-lock light doesn't 
> toggle. This is the same keyboard that was used to kick the application off. 
> xf86-input-keyboard and xf86-input-evdev are both listed in 'XSERVER' when 
> the system is baked.
> Where should I be looking to work out why the keyboard isn't working?

Does the keyboard work from a VT before X starts?  What user does X
run as -- my hunch is that it doesn't have permission to access the
input devices.  Check the Xorg log to see if there are any relevant

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