On 05/09/12 20:03, James Macon wrote:
> I found it but this is only partially the answer. I found 
> PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/kernel ?= "linux-yocto" in qemu.inc but there 
> is no recipe for linux-yocto. There are recipes for linux-yocto_3.* , 
> linux-yocto-tiny, and linux-yocto-rt_3*. 
> Somewhere during the build process something is appending to linux-yocto. 
> I will keep looking but if someone knows the answer please respond. 

The part before the '_' is the package name, the part after is is
version. So, linux-yocto, linux-yocto-tiny and linux-yocto-rt are three
different kernels, each of which can have multiple versions at the same

You get automatically the highest available version a package unless the
version is specifically pinned down somewhere (e.g.,
PREFERRED_VERSION_virtual/kernel in the configs or DEFAULT_PREFERENCE in
the recipes themselves).

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