On 06/09/12 11:00, Andrei Gherzan wrote:
> Hello,
> In DISTRO_FEATURES we have opengl. That is pretty vague and generally we
> don't want to have mesa on machines where there is no libgl but only gles +
> egl. For example if we want to compile something that adds a DEPENDS based
> on DISTRO_FEATURE opengl, this dependency will be added even if there is no
> libgl implemented for that specific machine.
> First idea would be that opengl (gl / gles) are machine related. On the
> other hand opengl can be a DISTRO_FEATURE as we have a software
> implementation - mesa.
> How would you guys see a solution for this? The idea that came into my mind
> was to map opengl to libgl or libgles. Or to both if there is the case.

I think we need both machine and distro features matching the options
here: opengl, gles1, gles2. The machine conf sets the MACHINE_FEATURE
appropriately, the distro conf then sets the distro features based on
intersection of distro policy and what is available on the machine.
Recipes like the xserver use DISTRO_FEATURE to determine how to
configure the package.

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