On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Wangdawei <kyle.wangda...@huawei.com> wrote:
> Hi
>          I need to add a new environment that LD_LIBRARY_PATH when I use my
> own external toolchain .
>          I add 1 line in external-toolchain.inc “LD_LIBRARY_PATH =.
> "${EXTERNAL_TOOLCHAIN}/i586-target-linux-gnu/lib:"”,but there is no
> effect.when I used this toolchain to compile , there also isn’t this value ,
> so I want to ask how to add a environment in poky ? the run.compile.xxx
> script can get the value ?

I do not use external toolchains, so I can not provide a quick answer.

However, this has come up before - several times.

Please search the mailing list archives for external toolchain integration.
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