
There have been a few bugs opened via QA over the inability to test
the adtrepo from autobuilder builds over the past few weeks. Last week
I started looking at this and have implemented some changes to the
autobuilder which should make it so that this won't be an issue for
much longer.

The autobuilder nightly buildset now builds out two adt-installers and
can install the resulting adtrepo of both. The production autobuilder
will now build out the vanilla adt-installer which points to the adt
repo at${SDK_VERSION}. This adt-installer
will only be used for point and major releases and should only be
tested when preparing for that release.

The second adt-installer points to${SDK_VERSION}-githash. This adt repo is
installed automatically from the autobuilder and is the one that
should be tested against using the adt-installer in nightly's

For people using the yocto-autobuilder, all of this is configurable
through the autobuilder.conf file and is turned off by default. The
code for this is currently in the production autobuilder and I'm
working on testing it out in that environment to ensure that there are
no issues.

After checking the M4.rc2 buildout tonight there is still an issue
with the adt-installer. The opkg.conf files don't update to the
correct adtrepo location. I'm working on a patch for it now, however
to get around this for testing, you'll need to manually update
to either:

src yp-x86_64-nativesdk
src yp-i686-nativesdk

Elizabeth Flanagan
Yocto Project
Build and Release
yocto mailing list

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