David Wolf, Michael, Mark, AlexG, Bjorn, Dave, Paul, Jessica, Ross, Saul, Beth, 
Kevin, Richard, Bruce, Nitin, LaurentiuP, Cristian, ScottR, Jeff, MihaiL, 
Denys, Song
* Opens collection - 5 min (Song)
  - Congrats to the team on M4 release.
* Yocto 1.3 status  - 10 min (Song/team)  
    - Status wiki page updated, bug fixing on the right direction, total # of 
bugs down.
    - RC3 this week, please get fixes in as soon as possible.
    - We will be scrutinizing patches more carefully to make sure it's not 
something invasive that could destabilize the master.
    - Most of the high bugs have solutions and can be closed within a week.
    - Medium+ bugs review: 
      . 3143: has a workaround. Laurentiu will send workaround patches.
      . 3176: there is a solution but hard to implement. May need to move to  
      . 3183: did improve with better messaging. May need to push to 1.4. 
Richard/Dave will decide.
      . 3186: Bruce/mark will look into this and find someone from Wind River 
to fix.
      . 3119/3175: cristian. Work with Paul. Need to get this one fixed
      . Others are mostly ok and can be turned around in a week or so.
* SWAT team rotation: Mihai Liner - > Saul
* Opens - 10 min
* Team sharing - 20 min
  - Michael: Updated bugzilla last week. Should not affect functionality. 
Bugzilla reports, fixed the schedule wiki problem.

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