On Thu, Nov 22, 2012 at 9:35 AM, Chris Tapp <opensou...@keylevel.com> wrote:

> I'm just getting round to moving from 'denzil' to 'danny'. I've got a
> layer that makes some changes to a few recipes through bbappend files.
> However, 'danny' has bumped a few of these to a new version (which is
> good) which means I now have bbappend files that get a 'there is no
> matching bb file' errors when I try to build. This is easy to fix
> (generally just rename the bbappend to match the new version), but I would
> like the layer to be able to work with older versions of Poky - mainly in
> case I need to make changes to an existing project that hasn't be verified
> under 'danny'.
> What's the best way to do this? All I can think of is to have another set
> of layers to use when building against a specific poky version:
> meta-mystuff
> |
> +--poky-versions
>    |
>    +--denzil-specific
>    +--danny-specific
>    +--etc
> Is there a more elegant solution?

i suspect you might have thought about that already... and might have
discarded the idea... but for meta-ti layer, we use a branching scheme.
each version is maintained in its separate branch. you will find 'denzil',
'danny', and master branch here
http://git.yoctoproject.org/cgit/cgit.cgi/meta-ti/, for each OE version.
one drawback with that is that you need multiple copy of the layer 'tree'
to work on multiple versions... but that can be managed.
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